Got complimented on my hair seven words


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Just want to say I am loving hair fibers, met this old friend of mine who I haven’t met in years. Last time he saw me, I had shaved my head and was going through aggressive b0lding from nw0 > nw5/6 ? Can’t remember how bad it was

I was ready to admit I am using fibers if he had become suspicious or looked weird at my head, am comfortable sharing this with him but to my surprise he complimented me on my hair and said your hairs look a lot better than last time I saw you lmao. I told him I plan to get a hair transplant and he was like nah bro, what for?! you already look good

Fuckk man, I felt so good didn’t want to tell him these aren’t my hairs but fibers lmao and I didn’t. Can’t wait until I get a hair transplant and get more hairs in there, I might just ditch finasteride for life if I can get some thinned out full coverage, hair fibers work wonder for me.

Wish I had known about hair fibers before my 29s when I was a full head with some thinning. Fuckk, I could’ve had so much more romantic opportunities than I did then and extreme dose of confidence.