gooner's story - update (10 weeks today)


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i've been watching and reading this forum for a while, and thought its time i sign up. i'm 23 and have recently started taking dr reddys finast tablets, purchased from pharmacy geoff... i'll have been taking them 3 weeks tomorrow...

right, well i've always had fine blonde hair and my hair has ALWAYS had a slight receed at the from, but its never bothered me at all, and i've always managed to have a good hair style. then at the age of 21, one or 2 people mentioned i was starting going thin on top. i could see it a bit, and it wasn't too noticable. then last jan, i decided to bite the bullet and shave my hair off... it looked ok, and even though it was thining, it still never looked bad or bald. over the last year, it is gradually getting thinner and i'm having to shave it shorter... i have hair an every bit of my head, i have no bald spots, its just finer and thinner on the top, and a patch at the front than the rest of my head.

i've started taking the finast as i feel if it does work for me, i'm still at the stage where my hair could make a full recovery and even if it just stops the thiining, i'd be happy as i still have ok looking hair wen its short.

has any one else tried finast?? as i dont seem to have read any one else on here using it. i know dr reddys are a reputible brand, but someone else that sells finasteride tablets tried telling me that parmacy geoff are are known tp sell fake pills, but dont know if this is just because they wanted my business insted....??

i notice u are all using various different bits and bobs and potions... what sorts of other things are there out there??

as i say, i've only been on the 1.25mg finast 3 weeks, so haven't really nboticed anything yet. i was told at thi stime , i should start to notice that its stopped falling out, but i'd go as far as saying even wen i had longer hair, it never just fell out and i could rub my hands through my hair without noticing any full out... but maybe i haven't noticed this cus its been really short... who knows...

here is a pic (not the best) at the start of my treatment...


any way, its good to have finally joined up, and i look forward to talking to u all soon...


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Hey there, most of the people on this forum use or have used finasteride, just stick with it, it has its ups and downs but overall it works for the majority.


Like UK said, stick with the finasteride, and also add Nizoral shampoo with ketoconazole. It can be found at your local pharmacy or supermarket. Use this shampoo every 3 days and leave it in your hair for 5 minutes then rinse. It will act as a mild anti androgen and help protect your hair and keep your scalp clean as well. Follow up with a good conditioner. It will complement the finast nicely.

Remember to take pics every couple months to assess progress.


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shitt that picture scared me in the beginning where thinking that it looked like me first, but it wasnt. close though.
finasteride wroks greate, and minoxidil alsow if you want better regrowth

GL :hairy:


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minoxidil?? is that regaine/rogaine?? is there a cheaper brand that people know that works that they could recomend??

yeah, dont worry, i'm gonna stick with the finasteride, i'm a month in so far, and yeah, i'll keep taking update pics.

has any one else tried the dr reddys finasteride, finast? you all seem to be on something else... i know its all the 'same' stuff, i suppose i'm just keen to be on a brand of finasteride that people have had good results from...


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yeah minoxidil is the name of the drug in rogaine. you can buy generic brands of minoxidil or brand names like rogaine. i suggest the rogaine foam, its really easy to use especially if you have short hair.

there are people here using the same stuff as you, try searching for it, but generally all finasteride is the same.


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i use kirkland minoxidil and rogain foam.
Kirkland works greate and at a much sheaper price :D


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gooner, Kirkland Minoxidil is a generic version of rogaine in its liquid form. But I'd recommend Rogaine foam! It works wonders! Just squirt that $h^& on
and it dries within minutes.


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where are all u guys from?? i'm asuming wen u say kirkland, you mean the cosco own brand products?? as my local cosco doest sell minoxidil... is that just a uk/us thing?



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gooner said:
where are all u guys from?? i'm asuming wen u say kirkland, you mean the cosco own brand products?? as my local cosco doest sell minoxidil... is that just a uk/us thing?


where are YOU from? we're from all over the place man


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right, officially 1 month on finasteride... no new pics as there really aint much change, eccept i thing my hair in general looks thinner... :(

i reckon i'm going through a shed... is shedding one month in typically normal?


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i took some pics today, even though not really any noticable changes, i just thought i should keep track of things with photos...

these first 2 are at about 28 days to a month



and these are today, on the 5 week mark...






i dont know if its just me and the paranoia of going bald, or the pictures, but i feel my hair looks worse in the mirror than on these pics i have taken... :s

as i said, not any noticable progress, although my hair does SEEM thinner all over the top.

and lastly, where would u guys thing i come on the Norwood scale?? i cant really place myself. as i'm thinning quite a lot at the back, but there is no actual baldness... the hair there is just REALLY fair...


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hello. arsenal fan?

i'd say you're somewhere round a NW2.

I've been on finasteride for just over a month too. I feel like my hair is thinning on top also but its very difficult to tell and i dont see any falling out :x

keep taking the tablets and relax :)


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flimflam said:
hello. arsenal fan?

i'd say you're somewhere round a NW2.

I've been on finasteride for just over a month too. I feel like my hair is thinning on top also but its very difficult to tell and i dont see any falling out :x

keep taking the tablets and relax :)

indeed i am an arsenal fan...

yeah, thats the same as me, i asumed i was going through a shed due to the thinning look, but i can rub my head really hard and not a single hair falls out...

my head does feel like its burning though some times...


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Hey gooner,

Great to see your getting into treating it. Though its hard, it kinda feels good to admit to yourself that even though you might be losing a bit of hair, at least your attacking it early (means your hairs gonna look hell of alot better down the track)

I'd say your a NW2, nothing wrong with that. I like your style. Suits your head from the looks of it.

Before you go getting into the minoxidil, let the finasteride take its course for a year. It's gonna take at least 4 months before your head lose slows/stops, and another 4 or so months before you might get any growth. So before you go getting on the minoxidil, give it time.

Your gonna get good days/weeks and bad days/weeks. I've been on finasteride for about 7 months and I have had a few sheds, but my hairlose definitely started to slow rapidly after the 3rd month. So far I haven't noticed any real regrowth, but I only have a bit of recession. So stick with it, and ride out those bad times, cause we're all either going through them on here, or have been through em.


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exactly 6 weeks in today, and still not much to report. as i said before, the general condition of my hair seems thinner, but there may be signs of regrowth, but i'm not too sure.

where my hair has started to receed above my temples, i have noticed a few tiny little thin hairs, but i cant quite work out if these are new, or its my hair thinning, as the hair around this area is thinning all over...

still soldiering on...


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right, its 2 months, well 8 weeks today, and i must say, i'm not too happy...

as i've said in my previous posts, i am not noticing any shedding, yet my hair seems so thin all over... its getting patchy now and areas that were fine before, are now thin too...

i'm not considering giving up or owt, i'm determind to see it through...

i have 3 months supply of rogaine sat in my cupboard which i am tempted to start using, but i really dont like the idea of commiting to the stuff and having to put it in 2wice a day...

i'll post some pics later


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what... 2 months aint gonna show squat, or very little. You must understand that anything you take for your hair will take a minimum (!!!) of 2 months to show. All hairs a preprogramed 2-3 months before they actually fall out. That means that a hair that falls out today was actually told 2-3 months ago to do it. That comes straight from my Dermo. As I said before, any major noticable changes will take place after the 8 month mark. finasteride has gotta lower the DHT in your hair before they can start growing back, and that takes months.

Keep it up. When I was at the 3/4 month mark, my hair had thinned out a fair bit along the whole front. But now at nearly the 8 month mark its starting to thicken up alot, even at my temples where there is still hair. Alas, I still haven't had any regrowth where my old hairline was, but who knows what the next 6 months will bring.

Chin up... Peace...