good hair transplant with Dr C,Westwood Hospital Group

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l had 2 very good Hair Transplants at the Hospital Group Clinic the results were Brill! l would say that if the surgeons got a good team working with him that's key factor and Westwood has, and all this bitching about how bad the uk is for hair transplants ,is just a ply to suck them into the u.s. market!thing is if these surgeons are so good in the u.s. having nearly 300 million more people you would think these surgeons would be book up for the next 10 years!! so all these bad comments on the uk clinics can only be helping one market!


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best-uk-h/t said:
l had 2 very good Hair Transplants at the Hospital Group Clinic the results were Brill! l would say that if the surgeons got a good team working with him that's key factor and Westwood has, and all this bitching about how bad the uk is for hair transplants ,is just a ply to suck them into the u.s. market!thing is if these surgeons are so good in the u.s. having nearly 300 million more people you would think these surgeons would be book up for the next 10 years!! so all these bad comments on the uk clinics can only be helping one market!
Ok, at first I wasn' sure. But know I know you're a shill. :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:


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best-uk-h/t said:
l had 2 very good Hair Transplants at the Hospital Group Clinic the results were Brill! l would say that if the surgeons got a good team working with him that's key factor and Westwood has, and all this bitching about how bad the uk is for hair transplants ,is just a ply to suck them into the u.s. market!thing is if these surgeons are so good in the u.s. having nearly 300 million more people you would think these surgeons would be book up for the next 10 years!! so all these bad comments on the uk clinics can only be helping one market!

PMSL!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Ok here's another satisfied punter :

Hi I had a hair transplant with the hospital group with Dr Nevrerdof and I have to say it went perfectly I was a NW7 but now people mistake me for Colin Farrel.
I think this proves that Dr Neverdof and the hospital group offer the best hair transplant's in the world easily as good as the big names from the U.S and Canada. Anyone who disagrees is obviously a salesman for the U.S in general.

Yours sincerly Mr F Twat.

Seriously though you provide a (bogus?) testimonial without and pics or details to back up these claims. Its laughable !!! :shakehead: :smack:

And BTW the top Drs are usually booked up for about 3/4 month in advance. And furthermore unlike the Hospital group they dont have to mass advertise in glossy magazines and newspapers they simply rely on word of mouth and recommendations.

:banned: :banned: :banned:


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monty1978 said:
there is guy in the hospital group brochure with a pony tail who actually had his hair transplant done by Dr Bessam Farjo who does NOT work for the hospital group. That shows how unethical and money grabbing they are! Farjo is not great in my opinion but he is at least ethical. The latter is a fact!

UK Clinics

Farjo Clinic - Ethical/ Moderate results/ More for the older guy

Nobel - Suck ***

Norton - unknown

Hospital group - unethical money grabbing c*** suckers

There is another that escapes me that is meant to be ok ish.

OH let me tell you Norton are the worst !!!
Norton Dream of being half as good as Bosely!!
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s.a.f said:
[quote="best-uk-h/t":2x6gp73r]l had 2 very good Hair Transplants at the Hospital Group Clinic the results were Brill! l would say that if the surgeons got a good team working with him that's key factor and Westwood has, and all this bitching about how bad the uk is for hair transplants ,is just a ply to suck them into the u.s. market!thing is if these surgeons are so good in the u.s. having nearly 300 million more people you would think these surgeons would be book up for the next 10 years!! so all these bad comments on the uk clinics can only be helping one market!

PMSL!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Ok here's another satisfied punter :

Hi I had a hair transplant with the hospital group with Dr Nevrerdof and I have to say it went perfectly I was a NW7 but now people mistake me for Colin Farrel.
I think this proves that Dr Neverdof and the hospital group offer the best hair transplant's in the world easily as good as the big names from the U.S and Canada. Anyone who disagrees is obviously a salesman for the U.S in general.

Yours sincerly Mr F Twat.

Seriously though you provide a (bogus?) testimonial without and pics or details to back up these claims. Its laughable !!! :shakehead: :smack:

And BTW the top Drs are usually booked up for about 3/4 month in advance. And furthermore unlike the Hospital group they dont have to mass advertise in glossy magazines and newspapers they simply rely on word of mouth and recommendations.

:banned: :banned: :banned:[/quote:2x6gp73r]
where did you go for your h/t and who's paying you to slagg off anyone who as had a good result and is happy with there out come ,who the hell are you and who are you working for ?


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best-uk-h/t said:
where did you go for your h/t and who's paying you to slagg off anyone who as had a good result and is happy with there out come ,who the hell are you and who are you working for ?

My experiences have been well documented on various forums going back 5 yrs now with details and pics to back them up, I've also met with other UK posters in the flesh who will also vouch for me.
But if you really want to know I had 2 surgeries with Norton and one with Nobel each one was a total disaster leaving me scarred and with wasted Doner. And these are from the 2 of the biggest and most experienced clinics in the UK.

Luckily for me through the forums I met another victim who had his situation fixed by Dr Feller and I took his advise and have had 2 (repair surgeries) with him. And I have to say in terms of results it was a 500% improvement.
However if I had to do everything again I'd probably go to Hassan and Wong because as a NW6 they specialise in strip mega sessions. Dr Feller is probably better for FUE and smaller ops.
Other good Doctors I'd recommend are Shapiro, Rahal and HDC.
So which one of them is paying me is your guess?

Ps I dont think I've ever slagged off anyone who got a GOOD result.


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monty1978 said:
there is guy in the hospital group brochure with a pony tail who actually had his hair transplant done by Dr Bessam Farjo who does NOT work for the hospital group. That shows how unethical and money grabbing they are! Farjo is not great in my opinion but he is at least ethical. The latter is a fact!.

Ah you mean Gregg yes he's been employed now by about 3/4 different clinics to be a salesman. I've heard people who met with him who say it looks awful and he blatantly wears dermatch to try and conceal how thin it is. Also why do you think he wears it long at the back (terrible strip scars to conceal).
I also noted that at least 3 UK clinics have tried to claim they did the awful hair transplant of Status Quo's Francis Rossi.
The fact is unlike the top Drs they simply dont have any happy clients who have a decent enough hair transplant to show potential customers.
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thanks for the replies guys , l am no way promoting anything for the young guys to mess there lives up personally i don't think anyone should have a h/t till there 35 or reach there full recession, and l don't think the drugs are good idea either yet that's my choice and anyone else's that's over the age of consent , and living in the uk were i have the freedom of speech and choice , maybe you lot should respect it, the clinics you are talking about Ive read about yet l have no factual knowledge about them ,l can only say that l had 2 not 1 great results from westwood and that my friends is fact if the truth upsets you tuff! l paid my money and made my choice
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dudemon said:
best-uk-h/t said:
where did you go for your h/t and who's paying you to slagg off anyone who as had a good result and is happy with there out come ,who the hell are you and who are you working for ?

Give it a rest. I was trying not to get involved with this thread, but you are starting to piss me off. Out of any member on this forum, I would say s.a.f has an immense amount of knowledge about hair transplants, and is in no way "working for an hair transplant clinic." And this is coming from someone who has also had a botched hair transplant from a butcher in the states, and has had 3 hair transplants

hair transplant's in the UK are a sensitive issue for s.a.f, and it doesn't say "UK home of the worst hair transplants in the world" on his avatar for no reason. You follow?

With that being said, I believe s.a.f because he has the experience to back up what he says.

You, on the other hand, come on this forum and tout your garbage about how happy you are with your "UK hair transplant clinic" and it really is laughable.

So the overwhelming consensus here is that UK hair transplant clinics SUCK ***! Please don't confuse young and vulnerable guys that are considering an hair transplant, about having one in the UK, when the overwhelming majority on this forum says not to, and for a good reason.

I have had a botched hair transplant myself. It is DEVASTATING! It can and WILL ruin your life COMPLETELY. It is a traumatic, horrible experience, and all of these crappy hair transplant clinics (like the ones in the UK) really should be put out of business to stop them butchering more innocent victims.

Enough said.


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hi all,
just thought i'd chime in.
i think best uk hair transplant is genuine,he sent me a pm congratulating me on my hair transplant a year or two ago and was extremely happy about his.
he also had pics on his profile.


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Yes I think he GENUINELY works for Hospital Group too.


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I don't think he's a schill, I just think he's a guy who's received an average hair transplant and can't admit that fact to himself. Rather than face that reality, he chooses to vehemently defend what he had done and where he did it. Otherwise, he'd have to accept that he made a bad decision.

"No, the UK does have places where you can get a good hair transplant! It IS the right place to go sometimes! You DON'T need to go to the States."

The truth hurts. Denial is a little nicer.


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Balody is legit, I know him from another forum, and I think best h/t uk is legit too, he also got an good result.....for the hospital group, who are sh*t. Just because you didn't end up looking like a freak BHTUK, I don't want newbie's thinking they can get a good result from the hospital group, because the chances are they will end up on an expensive and time consuming journey and be considered a 'repair patient'.

Look around on google and it will become obvious with those with eyes to see that there are better options than the hospital group.
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so ive had a great result so that according to you means nothing, well it doe's to me thanks i can only talk about the truth of my h/t and it was very good result, there seems to be those on hear grinding axes ,yet some have never used the hospital group is this not scare mungering for what ever reason ?? the guys looking for a h/t have enough problems,if you read the comments made to me on here it dosent look good i.e. one moron saying have a slow death what kind of people are on here


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best-uk-h/t said:
so ive had a great result so that according to you means nothing, well it doe's to me thanks i can only talk about the truth of my h/t and it was very good result, there seems to be those on hear grinding axes ,yet some have never used the hospital group is this not scare mungering for what ever reason ?? the guys looking for a h/t have enough problems,if you read the comments made to me on here it dosent look good i.e. one moron saying have a slow death what kind of people are on here

Yep guys looking for hair transplant's do have enough problems the main one being the huge amount of sub par clinics. :whistle:
And yes if you read the comments made it does'nt look good (for the Hospital group) but feel free to keep using the fact that 1 person made an offensive comment to somehow justify that all the arguements against you are somehow wrong. :roll:


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New on here, just found this post. Everyone seems to be slagging of the hospital group and UK surgeries in general. This worries me.

I have just booked a date for a hair transplant with them. The £500 deposit has been paid and there is no way of getting it back.

The consultation seemed to be good enough. I had a list of questions that were answered.

The surgeon I am supposed to be getting is Dr Goldstone. I have seen on others forums that his name isn't highly regarded. Although he is a principle leading suegeon.

I was sent a profile of him. It includes;
Graduated in 1988 as a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB)
7 years experience in Hair Restoration Surgery.
Hairline zone and temporal point specialist
Registered member of (BAHRS) and (ESHRS)
Leading and supervising one of the uk's foremost and busiest fully registered transplant teams.

I am really worried. I know people are airing their opinions but surely some of the work they do is a decent enough standard.

What does anyone think about this guy? Is is possible they don't ''butcher'' everyone? I'm trying to put my mind at some ease.


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Bad luck mate you've just wasted £500, should have really researched this.

Now the choice is up to you - have a second rate hair transplant that you'll either have to have corrected / spend the rest of your life looking at you hair knowing that you could've got much better.
Or write off the deposit do some real research and go to a world class surgeon and get the best result possible.

It all comes down to what £500 means to you. But to sum it up just remember this is'nt a car being worked on here its YOU!!!

Oh and let me clarrify what all this really means:

I was sent a profile of him. It includes;
Graduated in 1988 as a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB)

Right so he has the most basic form of qualifications to legally entitle him to perform surgery.

7 years experience in Hair Restoration Surgery.

Meaning that he first did a hair transplant 7 yrs ago and probably does the odd one every other month if you're lucky (inbetween doing the more common ops for the HGroup which are his main earners).

Hairline zone and temporal point specialist

In their opinion !?!

Registered member of (BAHRS) and (ESHRS)

Meaning he has paid a fee to have his name put on a list (which any surgeon in the world could do without ever even having done a hair transplant).

Leading and supervising one of the uk's foremost and busiest fully registered transplant teams.

Meaning he works for a faceless organisation that performs a huge list of ops but in reality specialises in none of them one of which happens to be hair transplant's. In a an industry that is rife with poor workmanship and rip off merchants.


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best uk hair transplant,WHAT A JOKE YOU ARE REALLY,YOUR TRANSPLANT IS A POOR JOB ,2 attempts and you have under 3000 graphs and a huge chunch of donor gone,AND WHY DONT YOU SHOW THE BAD SCAR THE WESTWOOD HAS LEFT YOU AT BACK???ALSO THAT YOU WORK ON BEHALF OF THE HOSPITAL GROUP??????
i urger anyone dont go to these butchers and swallow the £500 deposit loss as itll cost you thousands to repair their sh*t work.
Dr.Goldstone is a joke and he cant perform a tricho closure properly as he states and youll b left with a bad scar as i have and very very low density,ITS A NIGHTMARE THAT PLACE...................DONT GO THER.
I will post photos shortly i promise to back this up.
They put you in a small dingy room downstairs with no air and youll sweat for hours,theres no proper dissection,its all rushed and get you out for next patient waiting,they want to do 3 patients per day so how can they take the time to do a nice job???????????
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what the hell is a shill ,just to clear up a few points to what seems like some kind of boys club lm sorry if you dont want anyone on here telling the truth! you are all welcome to look on my history and photos are on there ,please leave your name if you are on that site, and by the way l had my first h/t when i was 57 im now retired and l dont work for anyone, if you had bad h/ts l understand your hang ups ,yet none of you have had a h/t by Westwood so get real thats what you yanks say isn't it
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