going to chemical castrate myself until better treatments


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Cassin said:
You know what, me too.

I am 10 times healthier now than I ever was before I started losing hair. I have learned so much about the body being here and how to make it healthier.

Glad to hear it mate. Yeah, I'm 10 times mentally healthier. Recently, I went over the first post I made here - was quite weird, its honestly like a different person. Have done so much since then.


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Beethoven said:
stampede said:
easynow_UK said:
stampede said:
If you're going to do this, at least find out how to shoot yourself up properly.

You'll need one of these every three months:

http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/womens-h ... overa.html

and some of these, one every five days or so should do it:

http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/womens-h ... xifen.html

Be careful. And if you do go through with this, let me know how it goes :)

I'm NOT planning on doing this, don't worry, but I've read elsewhere of people using Novaldex against Gyno? Can someone explain why it can be used for this too?

Same reason AFAIK. To offset side effects.

Being bald AND having breasts is not a good combination at all :lol:

There are other ways you can effectively castrate yourself (i.e., Androcur would do it), but this stuff puts strain on the liver.

If my current regimen doesn't work, I'm going to go the depo provera/tamoxifen route :) I think this is preferable to being a bald and horny little wanker :lol:

Just saw that you take 2.5 mg of dutasteride everyday, any sides?

I think it's better be bald and horny little wanker (or bald and have good sex with your GF/wife) than being NW0 and lose any ability to have sex. I really think that antonio will regret doing this in the future.

My sides at the moment are a slight stomach upset and nipple puffiness (that I am keeping in check with Arimidex).

Some people are just not going to get any sex anyway, having fairly low self esteem and perhaps not being what women want. I dunno. And losing hair will lower their self esteem even more.

Or perhaps that's not their priority. I think people have a right to choose.

I have had a very low sex drive for a long time, and I honestly prefer it that way. I don't want what I find rather hard to get, and that makes me content.

Don't forget, there are a LOT of people who would say that even taking finasteride to keep your hair is a crazy thing to do...


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easynow_UK said:
stampede said:
If you're going to do this, at least find out how to shoot yourself up properly.

You'll need one of these every three months:


and some of these, one every five days or so should do it:


Be careful[/b]. And if you do go through with this, let me know how it goes :)

I'm NOT planning on doing this, don't worry, but I've read elsewhere of people using Novaldex against Gyno? Can someone explain why it can be used for this too?

When you take steroids, like testosterone, dianabol, anadrol (highly androgenic and anabolic) they aromatise to estrogen. Estrogen can bind to receptor sites in your breasts and give you tits (gyno). So what nolvadex does is compete for these receptor sites.


flimflam said:
Going bald made me a better person.

Same here, I'm also much nicer towards other people and more outgoing than before.


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I'm with stampede. I would prefer to be a NW3.5 (which is what i am) than a bald wanker.

I'm not going to castrate myself because there's something in my heart telling me that i still want to be a men and love to be a men.

But looking at the facts the right thing to do was to castrate myself. What's the propose to be a men if i cant get what i want?

And being a wanker? What a beautiful thing to be...

Chemical castration is a violent thing to do. I would prefer to do it in natural ways.... if there was a way...


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What's the problem? Do you prefer looser guys going to w****s?
At least i would maintain the thought that once i liked someone very special.

I dont get some guys in keeping searching and chasing womens that weren't made for their mouths.


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Cassin said:
IBM said:
What's the problem? Do you prefer looser guys going to w****s?

Who does that? I don't know anyone that does. Why would you say that..........

It's acceptable going to w****s, spread the disease and nourish drugs addiction but castrate itself is not acceptable.
This society is very hypocrit.


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IBM talks sense!!! :lol:

A good friend's dad goes to prostitutes after his mother left for a younger man.

Anything but the shame of doing that. I'd castrate myself in a heartbeat if it meant that.


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i don't really dig going to prostitutes regularly ..

but at the least the dude acknowledges his masculinity and sexuality. Something certain people here have failed to notice.

Grow up, start acting like real f*****g men you self-obsessed whiney schoolchildren.



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Hey antone666,

Think about this: I have less hair than you, and I'm doing steroids. But I don't let my balls shrink. I take estrogen reduces on my off cycle so my testicles will produce a lot more testosterone.


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flimflam said:
i don't really dig going to prostitutes regularly ..

but at the least the dude acknowledges his masculinity and sexuality. Something certain people here have failed to notice.

Grow up, start acting like real f****ing men you self-obsessed whiney schoolchildren.


I totally agree.


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Bottoming out his hormones is going to make him even more suicidal and depressed. This is why internet pharmacies should be totally illegal the world over. Unfortunately, there are few people that don't misuse those systems and they will be the ones that have to suffer the most.


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antonio I hope that you're feeling better now. I feel like that some days but then it goes away. We have to take care of the psych as well as the hair, man. Have you ever tried some kind of therapy? I will go back to seeing my shrink because the recent events I went through have pushed me a bit over the edge.

You are a great guy and you do not deserve to go through this. I wish you the best of luck with your treatments and that you get out of this emotional bad place you're in.


IBM said:
Cassin said:
IBM said:
What's the problem? Do you prefer looser guys going to w****s?

Who does that? I don't know anyone that does. Why would you say that..........

It's acceptable going to w****s, spread the disease and nourish drugs addiction but castrate itself is not acceptable.
This society is very hypocrit.

You're even crazier than I thought. Or then again, it could be the Portuguese society that's to blame.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
IBM said:
Cassin said:
IBM said:
What's the problem? Do you prefer looser guys going to w****s?

Who does that? I don't know anyone that does. Why would you say that..........

It's acceptable going to w****s, spread the disease and nourish drugs addiction but castrate itself is not acceptable.
This society is very hypocrit.

You're even crazier than I thought. Or then again, it could be the Portuguese society that's to blame.

wh***'s consumers are everywhere in this world.