Going bald? (age 24).


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- I've always looked like I was going bald.
- My dad starting receding at the same age, while paternal granddad started receding in his 60s and maternal granddad died with a full head of hair.
- Apologies for some of the pics, didn't have the time to edit them all.

Let me know if you need anymore.
Appreciate your opinions and advice.









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to me personally ( I also seem to have a similar problem my forhead also has this kinda wired shape always had and now that i grew my hair out i noticed how the spot where i think hair never grew is now covered with hair which feels wired) hopefully that's acutally my case to and im not recideing :(...

anyway judging by your older pics it seems like its ok however you should probably keep an eye out for a while. your hair also doesn't look like its thining. if you noticed any diffrence from before then obviously something is going on. either way best way to know for sure is to go to a sepcailist and get yourself checked..


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Hey bro,

Have you been noticing your hair falling out a lot more than in the last few years? Also, did your father go through any hair loss?

Man, I'm so distraught by hair loss :( I hope I don't lose all my hair before I graduate from university, I want to get married!


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Hey bro,

Have you been noticing your hair falling out a lot more than in the last few years? Also, did your father go through any hair loss?

Yes, half of his head was bald by 30. Personally I think it has changed a bit over the last year, but others don't seem to think so. And as you can see from my earlier pics, I looked like I was going bald from the beginning.


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You're a pretty good looking dude, no homo.

I wouldn't worry that much about shaving if it came down to it.


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You're losing hair in your temples but the rest is thick (actually a good sign for you, as diffuse thinning is a worse problem to have). Temple loss can happen normally even with guys who have no male pattern baldness whatsoever. That might not be your situation (if it runs in your family, you can usually use them as a predictor) but my point is that you look totally normal at this point. There is nothing wrong with this degree of hair loss in someone your age.

Some people recommend Propecia or Avodart to retain your hair, there can be side effects (fairly rare, the percentages are unclear to me) and they can actually accelerate hair loss at the very beginning of treatment (but only in some guys). I think those could be a possible option (do some research, there are pros and cons, for example apparently the benefits don't last forever).

If I were you I would do nothing for now, and try to stop worrying about your hair. Nobody cares as much as you do. Try to stop caring about it so much.
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For 24 it looks ok to me. But you can see from your baby picture your hairline definition. Mine is similar and you can use the center front to cover the temples (like charlie sheen) Problems start when the center starts to thin, which looks like you're no where near.
As you get older the temples can recede and it sucks in the sense they already have a head start - meds, right shampoo etc can slow it down.
Just have to monitor it from here and see what you're happy with.


My Regimen
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You have a NWII pattern.

Aside from a medical inspection of the hair follicles, there is only one other way to accurately answer your question.

Are your relatives bald? If you have any close bald relatives then I would say with a ~90% certainty that you are going bald.

And since you are young (24) there is also a ~90% certainty that you are going to be more or less completely bald eventually unless you start major treatment (finasteride or dutasteride).


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My Regimen
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I am full blown dutasteride and I have not experienced any side effects. Give it try before you write it off.


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It might be receding a bit, but it is thick on the back and your haircut does a good job hiding it. You don't have to worry about it right now.