goin bald at 25 - 40 must b so easy...


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compared to losing it any earlier. obv it depends on how much u've lost, but if u only jus started at 25 then u got no worries.

even me (at 20) i'm considering myself lucky even though i'm sure i'm below average on the age/hair ratio 4 sure.

i can just imagine it, going to the pub wit some m8s at 25 pointing out old friends/ppl we knew who r now bald or losing, not even worrying about if my thick locks might b take a lifetime vacation....until...ehr..a slight recession at my temples...o no, what 2 do?

point is if ur 25 or above n losing hair it cud b a lot worse. really. unless u suffer from lighting alopecia which wud b a shock 2 ny bloke whose had it that long, let alone a gd lookin 1.

since i must have begun losing at aroun 16 i can say i've been losing 4 a while now and belive it or not some ppl still don't belive i'm losing but then again i'm pretty crafty with the comb and hats.

still if ny1 ever asks me (and they do) if i'm losing the hair, i reply 'yeh i reckon i am, but my dad's bald so i've always expected it'

baldness ain't all bad. it took me 4 yrs to realise. still, i'm deffo trying 2 maintain.

u can do it boys!


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Baldness can really hit hard no matter what age you are.

Now if you said that if you make thirty before you start balding you're probably all good, i'd agree.


puregold said:
still if ny1 ever asks me (and they do) if i'm losing the hair, i reply 'yeh i reckon i am, but my dad's bald so i've always expected it'

baldness ain't all bad. it took me 4 yrs to realise. still, i'm deffo trying 2 maintain.

u can do it boys!

puregold, with that attitude you will end up the bloke down the pub with the shaved head who the girls fancy and the blokes think is a decent fella, it's all about attitude.

f*** hairloss, let's get pissed and cop off with some birds!!!


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good to hear from guys with a good attitude every once in a while. but i don't know how right you are with being a bit older and starting to lose hair. I didn't even really think much about hairloss until a few months ago, and i'm 24. I think it has affected me just as much as it would had it started at 20. Like others have said, if i was where i am now at 30, i wouldn't care, cause mostly, if you have a decent amount of hair by then, you're probably never be totally bald. Then again, there's guys out there that are balding at 19 and just don't give a damn. its all about people's personal perspective.

good luck to you, i recommend propecia for someone in your situation. pop in here every once in a while if you have questions, guys on this forum know probably five times more than any dermatologist (i'm not kidding, obsession breeds knowledge).


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Actually, I mean that if you don't start balding until 30, there's a lot of correlating evidence suggesting that you will not go extensively bald.


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Why do people think that age has anything to do with how shocking hair loss is? I mean, okay, I can surely say that I'm glad I noticed it when I was 27 instead of 23. I DO agree that as far as going out and looking for girls is concerned, the ages of 21 to 26 or so is the "peak" age to be. At least that's my opinion. But I'm 29 now, and my hair loss is barely noticeable, but I'm still freaked out about it. Not as bad as I was when I first noticed, but still.

I guess it's because I'm still not married- I don't even have a girlfriend, and I don't have any "perspectives" around me, either. What I'm saying is, I think it has to do more with the situation rather than age. If I met the girl of my dreams tomorrow, my "soulmate", an awesome girl who loved me unconditionally, I really don't think that I would care about my hair, so long as I knew she didn't.

I also think that hair loss is difficult to deal with for TWO reasons:

1) You lost something you've always had, and either took for granted, or thought was important to your image (always styling it in the mirror, for example, and assessing how you look by how you think your hair looks)

2) You are faced with the likelihood that, even though the treatments are effective, at least for some period of time with the majority of users, you are eventually going to lose even MORE hair.

Just thoughts. I think I care too much about it as well, be it for my age, and just in general. I'm searching for some info online as to how much girls actually care about guys losing their hair.

I do feel sort of bad for younger guys losing their hair, don't get me wrong. Maybe I'm just trying to justify why I care at the age of 29.


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I think the biggest treatment people should worry about is just dealing with knowing it's going, instead of worrying about how my hair is going, I'm enjoying the hell out of what I have while I have it. When it goes, I guess it's gone.

Green Soap

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25- 40 is easy huh?

Yeah cuz at 25 you're in a wheelchair sucking down geritol like there is no tommorrow.

Kid, you'll be 25 before you can blink twice.


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See, my girlfriend knows about my loss, and she says she doesn't care, but we're attracted to people for many reasons, and why, just because she says she loves me hair or not, should I let it go? If I can be that much more attractive to my CURRENT partner, then I'm very happy. I don't wanna just let myself go for no reason just because she says I can, it's more about my own self-image, but I'm also concerned with looking my best to the person I'm currently with. She tries to do this for me, so why shouldn't I afford her the same priveledge? Just a thought... you ever wonder why there's so many divorces? :p You're not the man she married! Not trying to be negative or cynical or anything, just something I was thinking about.


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thats true deaner...you should always try to impress your girl...it doesnt matter if you have been together 3 years .....some couples forget to do that and dont care about the way they look....f*** that.


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Deaner said:
See, my girlfriend knows about my loss, and she says she doesn't care, but we're attracted to people for many reasons, and why, just because she says she loves me hair or not, should I let it go? If I can be that much more attractive to my CURRENT partner, then I'm very happy. I don't wanna just let myself go for no reason just because she says I can, it's more about my own self-image, but I'm also concerned with looking my best to the person I'm currently with. She tries to do this for me, so why shouldn't I afford her the same priveledge? Just a thought... you ever wonder why there's so many divorces? :p You're not the man she married! Not trying to be negative or cynical or anything, just something I was thinking about.
As someone who has been married (and faithful) for 25 years, I absolutely agree with this. Still, there is much more to it than this. Commitment and listening are two of the biggest things that keep a relationship strong.


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you also forgot communication and trust..but we could sit here and name a million traits


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The real sad part about this whole thing isn't that we have an obsession about our hair loss when we probably shouldn't. No. The sad part is that Deaner has a girlfriend, and I don't even have a date this weekend.

Dear god, help me! =]


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I wasn't saying that's the only thing people should try to maintain in their relationship, obviously all those virtues of communication, trust, etc. should remain too, but I don't think that just because you're in a long-term relationship or married means you can all of a sudden quit "faking it" and turn into something they didn't fall in love with. This is how you can run into some serious problems.

As for elguapo's remark, not quite sure whether to take that as an insult...


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Oh, and the movie's gone in 60 seconds. It's near the end where Nick Cage (Memphis Reins) is trying to start Eleanor because it stalled in an alley-way, and a cop's coming.


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I agree, Deaner.

It's only natural to feel that way. Hell, I hate myself when I let myself slide, and don't get to the gym for a long period of time.

That goes with anything. Let's say the girl you meet and marry is really sweet, and kind, and a good person. Then she turns to alcohol and drugs and starts to be really mean. Would you like her still? Hell no!

Sure, everybody changes, it's inevitable. But you can do some things to prevent yourself from becoming worse, for lack of a better phrase. I expect to do some things to stay in shape, and I kind of expect the same from a girl.

Where do you draw the line between shallowness and standards?


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It just about makes me laugh when someone says that hairloss at any age is the same.

Going bald at 25 is VERY different from going bald at 18, whatever your situation.

Right now, I would SO excited and happy about going off to college next year. Instead, I'm just wondering how bald I'm going to be and how I'm giong to cope with it once I'm on my own, constantly surrounded by my peers.

I'm also wondering how I'm going to get away with smearing crap all over my scalp every morning and night in a community bathroom.

I've gone from being psyched about college to pretty much wishing I didn't have to go.

I try to stay positive, but sometimes it's just very hard for me. I've only had one lasting relationship at this point in my life, and hairloss is really starting to affect my confidence and morale as it gets worse. I am doing my best to work on that though.

I guess I just wish I could have a bit more of my youth like some of you 25 or 27 year-olds on here did.


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no you are right, it WAS nice going to college without living with this burden, but right NOW is it any different for me than it would have been in college, no. I'm equally obsessed, equally self conscious as i would have been, the fact that i had four years in my twenties without worry is irrelevant now, right now hair loss is affecting me in everyway, its not like i get to go back and re-live college over and over again, so its not like i'm sitting around going, man at least i'm 24, whew, i made it! I guarantee i'm just as obsessed as you are.

On a different note though, i feel your pain about the whole college thing. Sneaking around trying to put in products and stuff would be no fun in the shitty *** community bathrooms. just remember, after first year, you can just get an apartment, so no big deal. Honestly, what i recommend, if you are using rogaine, is to peel the label off of it and use the spray attachment. that way, it just looks like you are putting on hair spray or a spray on conditioner and you can use it without worry of other seeing in the community bathroom, if that's your worry. propecia is easy to pop in quick whenever you chilling out in your dorm room by yourself. We all understand what you're going through, keep your chin up man, its just hair, think of how incredibly lucky you are to be GOING to college, and living in a free country. to 98 percent of the world that is as much of a fantasy as you getting brad pitt hair overnight.