Give Propecia a third and final go?


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Hey, for those who remember me from the old days of, this is Obsidian. I hope everyone is doing well. Anyway, for those who actually remember me, both times I took Propecia I ended up with a case of Reflex Hyperandrogenicity which caused me to lose more hair. Since the last time I used it which was around Fall of 2010, I have just been using generic 5% brand minoxidil which has worked well until the past year when the diffuse has advanced. I would say I am a NW3, an extended NW2 on a good day. In some ways, this is a success as my Grandpa was an NW4-5 at this age, I'm 26 1/2 and started losing at 18 but the diffuse is getting to the point where I might need to buzz down soon. So, I was wondering if I should give Propecia one last try all the way through to a year and if R.H. happens again just throw in the towel for good and just keep using minoxidil until I lose the war.


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I don't know you from before but how much propecia were you taking? Don't shock your system by introducing a ton of finasteride, cut the pills into 8ths if you have to and start slow and easy.


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welcome back obsidian, I remember you. Im sure you know, to keep your hair you really need to block some DHT but I have no Idea if you will encounter the same problems as you had before. It sounds like minoxidil has worked well but if its starting to lose its benefits then I guess finasteride is worth a shot.


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Thanks for the replies, guys. The first time I was using Merck brand Propecia, the full dose, and it worked great by the eight month, I could cut my hair short and show only minor hair-loss. I was 21-22 then.

The second time,I used .5mg and it worked ok.

Both times when I missed a dosage, that is when R.H. Started.

Thanks for the advice, guys. I am going through a heavy shed right now and I want it to be the minoxidil dosage I increased in the past month but I think it is my hair loss accelerating as my scalp is constantly itchy and I am having aches all over my scalp.


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When it was acting normal, none. When the R.H. happened I got a very oily and irritated scalp, an increase in sex drive, and break outs and I was never prone to getting them.