Getting Ready To Start My first Regimen,Need a little Advice



Okay, according to the Norwood Scale, Im a 2. However, the hair on top of my head is thinning very slowly as well, so its probably only a matter of years before Im a 2A or 3. Ive decided to go with Proscar cut into fifths, Nizoral, Nioxin or Revivogen for healthiness (cant decide which) and minoxidil - but I only plan on applying the minoxidil to the high spots on the left and right side of my upper forehead (the only place thats actually "bald").
So that brings me to my questions for the experts, or people with experience.

1. If I only apply the minoxidil to the balding parts of my hairline, will I still shed everywhere else? If so, I may skip this treatment all together.

2. Will the proscar cause shedding?

3. Which is better Nioxin or Revivogen? ( I realize thats only an opinion but I would still like to hear yours)


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hi bald yang man chaotic646

is prassable your hair loss (on head) is becrasuse you can be a bammer guy ?


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I applied the minoxidil to my VERY frontal hairline for a while there as im convinced it raped my density when i was applying it all over. Its hard to know if it grew more hair or not... i think there were a bunch of new decent sized hairs that grew but i stopped using it as it was flaking still and making my head itch... which just pissed me off. The small hairs seem to have grown longer now, to about 1-2 cm in lengh, so they blend in now and i cant decide if they fell out since i stopped, or are now just longer hairs and have become part of my hairline.

Id say if you can be fucked putting it on your head everyday, go for it, on the fully bald ares dont expect miracles, but the hairs on my very front hairline perhaps did benefit. But then again, who knows! Dont forget if you stop, so will the hairs... what a b**ch of a commitment.

finasteride however will definately help when you look back two years from now. Ive been on it for 4.