Getting prescriptions, generic, social anxiety, etc.


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I had skull surgery as a baby, so I have a big scar across my whole scalp and some weird bumps in the bone. They stay hidden fine under my hair, but I'd like to keep it that way, if possible.

My hair started to thin when I was about 19, but I guess it wasn't really noticeable to the average person until maybe 23.

I'd been meaning to do something about it, but kept procrastinating over and over, mostly because I have some kind of social anxiety and am afraid to go to doctors for a cosmetic issue like this. :-/ I'm afraid of being judged or something. I got up my nerve at one point I think when I was 24, and went to a doctor. I was going to ask him about two or three health things, including the hair. He turned out to be bald! So I didn't ask.

Now I'm 25 and in December I finally forced myself to call a local dermatologist. She looked at my scalp and said I have dermatitis and male pattern baldness. She prescribed Propecia, as I was kind of hoping she would do, and some dermatitis stuff. So I took the first three months worth, though not consistently. I think I have two pills left, so I've taken it about 6 days a week on average. I think I see some improvement already, and I haven't had any side effects, so I'd like to keep taking it, but I'm all anxiously avoidant of calling up the doctor again for a follow-up. I was supposed to call a while ago, and I kept avoiding it and procrastinating, and now I'm avoiding it because I procrastinated so long and am embarrassed.

Is there an easier way to get it? I don't want to put my health at risk, though. She had them take a PSA level test before I started taking it. What should I be looking out for? Could another doctor get the original PSA results if needed?

You have to take it forever, right? I get the impression that the hair does eventually fall out, but the Propecia postpones it a few decades? That would still be great. How do prescriptions work for something that you take forever, though? She gave me a prescription for 90 days, which I picked up in three refills. Do I have to go back to the doctor every three months?

It's super expensive, and I was told I could get a generic instead. When I went to get the second refill, I asked if they could substitute it with the generic, and they said they couldn't unless the prescription said so. How do I get her (or someone else) to write a prescription for the generic?

Is the only option for generic a 5 mg pill that needs to be split, or do they make a 1 mg generic now?


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I read a lot and decided to get Finpecia from united pharmacies. We'll see if it arrives with no problems. Are there any good result threads on here with people who used it instead of regular Propecia?

I should try to get the results of the PSA level test, though, right? So I can compare in the future? I have a right to my medical records in the US, right?


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No response at all??

I got the pills on the 14th. I've been taking them since, and haven't died yet. Here is a link to pictures:


Do they look legit?


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Yo bro i have been takin finpecia for two years and this is the exact same product packaging i have gotten everytime. Def legit as far as being finpecia and i have found i does work.


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seeves said:
Yo bro i have been takin finpecia for two years and this is the exact same product packaging i have gotten everytime. Def legit as far as being finpecia and i have found i does work.
I don't mean to hijack the thread but do you have any before and after pics?
And I also order finpecia online OP. easy and legit.


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The response from your pharmacy is incorrect regarding generics. They are REQUIRED by law to fill a prescription WITH A GENERIC drug UNLESS the dr clearly indicates to fill with the name brand. That being said there is no generic marketed in the US for the 1mg Propecia only the 5mg Proscar so perhaps that's where the misunderstanding came in. I've also used Finpecia in the past and it's totally legit and works just as well as Propecia.


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beaner said:
That being said there is no generic marketed in the US for the 1mg Propecia only the 5mg Proscar so perhaps that's where the misunderstanding came in.

Yes, that was the issue.

I've also used Finpecia in the past and it's totally legit and works just as well as Propecia.

Good. But yeah, before and after pics of people who only took Finpecia from UP would be reassuring.


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So I've been taking it for a few months. Status so far:

I'm a little worried that the Finpecia from United Pharmacies is not real (or replaced with something else?) I trust Cipla, but I have no way of knowing what's in between them and me.

But it seems to be working. It looks that way to me, though I've taken before and after pictures and can't see any difference. But my mother asked without provocation if it was growing back, my friend asked if I was doing "hair exercises or something", and my ex thinks she sees a small improvement.

No sexual side effects at all, though I'm a little worried about gynecomastia. I'm definitely getting an increase of something in that area, though I've also started doing push ups and gaining a little weight (I'm quite skinny). So it could be fat or breast tissue with muscle underneath. Right now I'm fine with it because it makes my muscles look bigger :), but as far as I know, gynecomastia can't be removed without surgery, so I'll be keeping a close eye on it. Any suggestions?


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you see an improvement, why are you still worrying about so much sh*t?

You worry too much, thats your problem.


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If you're in the United States, there is a check-box on the prescription that says "allow substitutes". All she has to do is check that off. If she writes 1mg Finasteride then they will also give you a generic. The problem in the United States is that it isn't available yet. Pharmacies are never supposed to substitute a generic unless the doctor has checked that box. They frequently do anyway, since generics are basically the same thing.

Yes the pills look legit. I have Finpecia also and have had good results. I started off with Propecia from my pharmacy and there doesn't seem to be much/any difference now that I have been on generics.

Paul December

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jeffm81 said:
So I've been taking it for a few months. Status so far:

I'm a little worried that the Finpecia from United Pharmacies is not real (or replaced with something else?) I trust Cipla, but I have no way of knowing what's in between them and me.

But it seems to be working. It looks that way to me, though I've taken before and after pictures and can't see any difference. But my mother asked without provocation if it was growing back, my friend asked if I was doing "hair exercises or something", and my ex thinks she sees a small improvement.

No sexual side effects at all, though I'm a little worried about gynecomastia. I'm definitely getting an increase of something in that area, though I've also started doing push ups and gaining a little weight (I'm quite skinny). So it could be fat or breast tissue with muscle underneath. Right now I'm fine with it because it makes my muscles look bigger :), but as far as I know, gynecomastia can't be removed without surgery, so I'll be keeping a close eye on it. Any suggestions?

Some people just shouldn't take it....sorry but from your posts I'm thinking you are one of them.
I've seen posts like yours fear after another.
I'm not trying to be mean...Is all the stress really worth it for you?

Paul December

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Mobbo said:
seeves said:
Yo bro i have been takin finpecia for two years and this is the exact same product packaging i have gotten everytime. Def legit as far as being finpecia and i have found i does work.
I don't mean to hijack the thread but do you have any before and after pics?
And I also order finpecia online OP. easy and legit.

Here are my Before/After pics ....about 10 months on generic finasteride.
It even looks better now :)

Top View

Crown View


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jeffm81 said:
I'm a little worried that the Finpecia from United Pharmacies is not real (or replaced with something else?) I trust Cipla, but I have no way of knowing what's in between them and me.

Yep...flush the mystery internet pills and stick with your original prescription.


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Paul December said:
Some people just shouldn't take it....sorry but from your posts I'm thinking you are one of them.
I've seen posts like yours fear after another.
I'm not trying to be mean...Is all the stress really worth it for you?

What stress? I'm just making sure that nothing's going wrong. It seems to be getting better and that's making me more confident about my appearance.


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Just ask. It's a 15 minute appointment once every nine months (if they give you refills).


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More people have noticed it growing back and complimented me on it. I guess it's working. :)


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Hey Jeff I really am pleased at your success with the drug.

I hope you will continue keeping us up to date with your status regarding hair and side effects. I for one have book marked this thread and will eagerly await to read your next update.

Keep it up brother! And Whack up some pics after 6 months or something!


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Here is a list of the top 32 most counterfeited drugs--either confirmed counterfeits found or they fit the profile for a drug that would most likely be faked. Finasteride isn't even on the list. It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to waste one's time making a fake of a drug when they are practically giving away the real deal.

Per the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy:

1. Combivir® (lamivudine/zidovudine)
2. Crixivan® (indinavir)
3. Diflucan® (fluconazole)
4. Epivir® (lamivudine)
5. Epogen® (epoetin alfa)
6. Gamimune® (globulin, immune)
7. Gammagard® (globulin, immune)
8. Immune globulin
9. Lamisil® (terbinafine)
10. Lipitor® (atorvastatin)
11. Lupron® (leuprolide)
12. Neupogen® (filgrastim)
13. Nutropin AQ® (somatropin, E-coli derived)
14. Panglobulin® (globulin, immune)
15. Procrit® (epoetin alfa)
16. Retrovir® (zidovudine)
17. Risperdal® (risperidone)
18. Rocephin® (ceftriaxone)
19. Serostim® (somatropin, mannalian derived)
20. Sustiva® (efavirenz)
21. Trizivir® (abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine)
22. Venoglobulin® (globulin, immune)
23. Viagra® (sildenafil)
24. Videx® (didanosine)
25. Viracept® (nelfinavir)
26. Viramune® (nevirapine)
27. Zerit® (stavudine)
28. Ziagen® (abacavir)
29. Zocor® (simvastatin)
30. Zofran® (ondansetron)
31. Zoladex® (goserelin)
32. Zyprexa® (olanzapine