getting off propecia


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Ok so im down to my last few propecia pills and do not plan on refilling my prescription. Ive been on for about 5 months along with minoxidil, so not sure how much of my progress is due to the finasteride. Im just wondering when I should expect a shed if any at all?


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Sides effects, low libido and erectile problems. Just dosen't seem right cutting off a hormone in my body by up to 70%, when its obviously there to serve some purpose. I'm 19, and IMO it always seems like the younger guys get the more noticeable sides...why this is I have no idea. I have nothing against propecia, it works great for its purpose, just not for me. I will be getting on proxiphen, minoxidil(5% now, 15% maybe later), and nizoral. Im really just looking to maintain what I have.

Quantum Cat

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remember finasteride doesn't block Testosterone, it blocks DHT. And DHT apparently has no function in the adult male body (except for causing hair follicles to shrink)

If anything, finasteride might increase testosterone because less of it is being converted into DHT.


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Quantum Cat said:
remember finasteride doesn't block Testosterone, it blocks DHT. And DHT apparently has no function in the adult male body (except for causing hair follicles to shrink)

If anything, finasteride might increase testosterone because less of it is being converted into DHT.

Is this correct?


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While it is possible, the studies show very low odds to this:

In clinical studies for PROPECIA, a small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects, such as less desire for sex, difficulty in achieving an erection, or a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men and went away in men who stopped taking PROPECIA because of them.


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Quantum Cat said:
If anything, finasteride might increase testosterone because less of it is being converted into DHT.

Then answer this question for me: why doesn't the body manufacture LESS testosterone when you take finasteride, to maintain the proper level of testosterone?


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Nuli said:
Ok so im down to my last few propecia pills and do not plan on refilling my prescription. Ive been on for about 5 months along with minoxidil, so not sure how much of my progress is due to the finasteride. Im just wondering when I should expect a shed if any at all?

Five months is still too early to see results with finasteride. Don't give up just yet.

As for the infamous shed, I've been using Proscar for 10 years and never had one.

Quantum Cat

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Bryan said:
Quantum Cat said:
If anything, finasteride might increase testosterone because less of it is being converted into DHT.

Then answer this question for me: why doesn't the body manufacture LESS testosterone when you take finasteride, to maintain the proper level of testosterone?

I said might. :whistle:

Some people are scared to take finasteride because they think it will inhibit all their testosterone and they'll turn into women. That simply isn't true.


Nulli i think at 19 years old your decision is a smart one. Get on some topical antiandrogens instead.

While DHT theoretically plays no significant active role in the adult male body ... it is present in thousands of tissues throughout the body, apparently in varying quantities in different people. Depleting it may or may not have a noticeable effect in DHT bearing tissues throughout the body. Totally depends on the person.

Im sure Bryan will disagree. lol.


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Quantum Cat said:
Bryan said:
[quote="Quantum Cat":hnrpq2gj]If anything, finasteride might increase testosterone because less of it is being converted into DHT.

Then answer this question for me: why doesn't the body manufacture LESS testosterone when you take finasteride, to maintain the proper level of testosterone?

I said might. :whistle: [/quote:hnrpq2gj]

Why might it not do as I said?


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Flavio said:
Nuli said:
Ok so im down to my last few propecia pills and do not plan on refilling my prescription. Ive been on for about 5 months along with minoxidil, so not sure how much of my progress is due to the finasteride. Im just wondering when I should expect a shed if any at all?

Five months is still too early to see results with finasteride. Don't give up just yet.

As for the infamous shed, I've been using Proscar for 10 years and never had one.

Oh ive had great results from the big 3, far beyond my expectations. Its too bad I noticed the sides, but hey thats life. I don't think the cure to baldness is to deny dht to our bodies, its more of a work around imo.