George Cotsarelis Recommends Washing Your Hair To Stimulate New Growth


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Marx' biggest regret? Not starting finasteride sooner.



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You posted politics first, not me. Communists expect to be able to insert their beliefs where they don't belong, and then no one is allowed to call them on it. Such rotten people. No wonder they have to use force and murder to win.

Are you here to discuss the merits of shampooing or crypto-fascismo? It's hard to tell.

al-CIA'duh, ISIS and a few more of Uncle Sam's foreign legions are missing from this deck o' cards. Just admit it: Capitalists are a bunch of blood-thirsty parasites and general all around scum of the earth.
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Armando Jose

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"... perhaps the best argument for washing your hair regularly, if not every day, is you can get rid of dead hair follicles that pile up between washes. A daily hair wash is therefore a good thing if you're trying to encourage your hair to grow. "Shedding that dead hair can stimulate new growth," George Cotsarelis, a doctor with the University of Pennsylvania tells Time."

I am with him, it is necessary to have a good regeneration of sebum on the scalp, it has to be removed continuously.

At least it has served him the many years of study, and I am not saying it in jest

Armando Jose

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"There are exceptions, though. Cotsarelis says African-American men and women tend to have very tightly curled hair with a follicle shape that naturally wicks oil away from scalp. “If people with this hair type wash too frequently, the hair could become too brittle and dry, and will break off,” he says. For people with this hair type, it’s alright to go a week or two between washes, he says."
Interesting issue


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Sebum, if left on, becomes a smelly and an oxidized mess. It should be destroyed at any cost.