Generic 5% minoxidil is the best


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After being on this for 4 months, I briefly tried Dr. Lees 5% brand. I went back to the generic version after 5 days because I noticed a minor shed and a slight thinning on the top. Yes, it reduced my itching slightly, the itching is very minor on the generic version anyway. The shedding has stopped as a result of going back to generic and the thinning area seems to have thickened up again almost by magic. The generic 5% is much greasier and gives the hair a thicker and fuller look, while, Dr. Lees version is so thin and does not have the same impact. The 5% is only £30 (around $46) including p&p for 4 months supply.
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Have never used Dr.Lee's minoxidil before but I totally agree.
The generic 2% minoxidil is greasy so I can actually use it like a styling gel in the morning. Keeps my hair nice and spiky like Arnie (T3)