Gene located, cure for hair loss may be 8-10 years away!!!!!


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is this a joke?
i mean seriously. youre being sarcastic right?
considering there were news articles with the exact same headline probably in the 1950's.


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Cassin said:
I have seen such articles so many times....
This was newly in our local news. The radio reporter suggested Scientists are 8-10 years away from curing hair loss.

It's new info to me, I'm a relative noob to the hair loss world!


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slowburn said:
Cassin said:
I have seen such articles so many times....
This was newly in our local news. The radio reporter suggested Scientists are 8-10 years away from curing hair loss.

It's new info to me, I'm a relative noob to the hair loss world!

No I am not saying you shouldn't have posted it, I am simply stating "cures around the corner" articles seem to becoming out since I joined.


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It all depends on the economy. Right now hair transplants contribute billions towards the economy. In the future, we might need trillion dollar industries. Therefore, there might be more advancements.


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the discovery is worth a fortune -- trust me... people are trying. no current economic condition can hinder that incentive.


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Scientists want to cure male pattern baldness make no mistake about it. Lets be completely naive though science has not cured male pattern baldness in all of history up until this point so lets just think about that simple fact. Of course that stock market proves history is not always a perfect indicator of the future so anything is possible the chances of a cure in our lifetime is probably slim.


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I'm sure scientists want to cure hair loss, they typically want to cure everything. Unfortunatly, investors decide how their money is spent, and I would bet money that hair loss treatments make more than hair transplants every year.

(Oh god, I've become one of those people.)


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Im the first person that wants to see male pattern baldness cured. Im at optimist, but realistically I just dont see a true cure to male pattern baldness in our life times although it certainly could happen as could anything really. It also depends on what would constitute a cure. QWould life long prevention of male pattern baldness be considered one or is it regrowing all your hair?


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abcdefg said:
Scientists want to cure male pattern baldness make no mistake about it. Lets be completely naive though science has not cured male pattern baldness in all of history up until this point so lets just think about that simple fact. Of course that stock market proves history is not always a perfect indicator of the future so anything is possible the chances of a cure in our lifetime is probably slim.

I think this is true. Better treatments could be found, and hair transplants are getting done to a high standard by a number of H/T docs, it may be a good while for a cure* which i think is being able to regrow a full head of hair and maybe switch off the male pattern baldness gene, but improvements will come bit by bit imo.


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I think in terms of a preventative cure we know what needs to be done. Deal with the receptor sites and completely eliminate all androgens with no systemic effect. I really think science is almost 100 percent right about androgens being the real cause of male pattern baldness. I know a guy at my job that is 30 years old and he has no facial hair even a mustache that is just very light much like me when I was 18 and he looks like he is 12 with a Norwood 1 hairline every hair is there. There are many instances just like that androgens just from real life examples and the fact most 60 year old women have all there hair clearly points at androgens being almost the sole cause of hairloss. The time you take propecia, the susceptibility to androgen levels, and other androgens like testosterone are why some men still lose hair even on propecia. Im very curious to see how some treatment that removes 100 percent of all male hormones would effect hairloss. Id be willing to bet it completely stops it indefinitely or it progresses extremely slowly to not even be a problem anymore if taken early enough.


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But doesnt that mean that one will have to be under treatmens for life?


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it doesnt matter if they know they gene or not. they know the genes responsible for many serious diseases. the problem faced is what do you do with those genes to prevent them from being turned on EVER. don't expect a cure for male pattern baldness anytime soon. i dont ever plan on seeing anything during the next 10 years at all unless there is some revolutionary discovery.


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You never really know. The opened doors to stem cell research could trigger another one of those 'accidental' meds aka minoxidil style. Let's stop with the pessimism, we need some hope to live