Game Over? Is This Thinning Or Just A Cowlick?

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I’ve posted a few times on here and the general conclusion has been that i have nothing to worry about. I’m 26 now and hair loss is still often on my mind. I got a buzz cut back in early September and since my hair has grown back I have noticed a weird spot on the back of my head where the hair is always sticking up. Just looks strange. Is this the start of a bald spot/diffuse thinning? Or is it just a natural whirl or cowlick that i never knew i had? For the most part it looks fine, but under light it looks like a huge bald spot to me. My barber always talks about how amazing and thick my hair is and I am not sure why she would say that if I was thinning on the crown.

I have been on finasteride and minoxidil since July 2016 and since then i have definitely lost ground on my hairline. Temple points have thinned more and hairline has a little recession. Probably still only a NW2. If this is a bald spot, does that mean I am not a responder to finasteride and it’s game over?


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minoxidil helped your hairline ?
no sides with fina ?

Up close under the right light, i can see all those tiny white hairs, but that’s about it.

Had watery semen for a little bit, but that went away. I will say that my progress in the gym over the past year has been almost non existent. Have read conflicting opinions on wheather that is the finasteride’s fault or not
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My dad is 58 with a better hair line then mine. Probably NW1.5. But every man on my mom’s side is screwed. Even cousins were 100% bald by 30


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Almost certainly a cowlick. Back looks A OK. Did you respond at all to fina? If so you can ask for Proscar (5 mg fina meant for prostatitis), cut it into fourths and take that for 1.25 mg of fina, in addition you can add in pumpkin seed and saw palmetto extract. All of that will further reduce DHT, if that doesn't work you can go to dutasteride (Avodart). Saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil are available over the counter topically too, and if you look around you can also find a doctor to proscribe topical finasteride formulations. As for the Norwood area, you can add in dermarolling to your minoxidil routine to gain back or even consider Loniten (oral minoxidil). What shampoo are you using? Do you have ketacozonale in your regime? Your hair looks great and you still have tons of treatment options, relax they say stress causes hair loss ;)
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Almost certainly a cowlick. Back looks A OK. Did you respond at all to fina? If so you can ask for Proscar (5 mg fina meant for prostatitis), cut it into fourths and take that for 1.25 mg of fina, in addition you can add in pumpkin seed and saw palmetto extract. All of that will further reduce DHT, if that doesn't work you can go to dutasteride (Avodart). Saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil are available over the counter topically too, and if you look around you can also find a doctor to proscribe topical finasteride formulations. As for the Norwood area, you can add in dermarolling to your minoxidil routine to gain back or even consider Loniten (oral minoxidil). What shampoo are you using? Do you have ketacozonale in your regime? Your hair looks great and you still have tons of treatment options, relax they say stress causes hair loss ;)

Im not sure what responding to finasteride means? I take it every day. Had the watery semen for a little bit, so it effected my body somewhat, but that went away. Never once had a shed. Have never noticed any hair on my pillow or shower or anything. Whats dermarolling? I guess my train of thought is that I can handle some minor recession like I have now. I figure if its still bothering me when I am in my 30's i should be able to totally fix it with a good hair transplant. What I cant handle is being one of the unlucky guys who recedes and then losses hair on top too


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That's just a cowlick, my dude. It's just where your hair grows in different directions.

If you side parted your hair you wouldn't think you was going bald when you see scalp then.

Nothing to worry about. You've got a juvenile head of hair.


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23 yr. old here. I would like to ask for your inputs regarding my crown. So today I have tried a new haircut to shave my head. And I noticed this in my scalp. This really bothers me. Is this thinning or cowlick? Both of my father and mother have head full of hair. My father is already in his late 50’s but still have a head full of hair. I’m very worried about my hair. Any inputs anyone? Thank you!

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I’ve posted a few times on here and the general conclusion has been that i have nothing to worry about. I’m 26 now and hair loss is still often on my mind. I got a buzz cut back in early September and since my hair has grown back I have noticed a weird spot on the back of my head where the hair is always sticking up. Just looks strange. Is this the start of a bald spot/diffuse thinning? Or is it just a natural whirl or cowlick that i never knew i had? For the most part it looks fine, but under light it looks like a huge bald spot to me. My barber always talks about how amazing and thick my hair is and I am not sure why she would say that if I was thinning on the crown.

I have been on finasteride and minoxidil since July 2016 and since then i have definitely lost ground on my hairline. Temple points have thinned more and hairline has a little recession. Probably still only a NW2. If this is a bald spot, does that mean I am not a responder to finasteride and it’s game over?

There's no baldness at all.

In fact, you're not even a diffuse thinner.

You're a full head. Better go offline while you still can. :D


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Is this a cowlick too....i buzzed my hairs 1 month ago and they are about 1 inch now..... So is it ohkk to see this much of scalp at top....i used flash at night


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