Fut (strip) Procedure With Dr. Bernstein (bernstein Medical) - Norwood 3


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I started noticing that I was going bald when I was in my early twenties. To be honest, it was hard to notice at first: a few hairs growing just in front of my hair line, my temples becoming slightly more pronounced, that kind of thing. Periodically I looked into possible treatments and occasionally tried various homeopathic remedies, but nothing worked. But I was too busy with school and work and life to really worry about my hair and so I let things go… probably a lot longer than I should have.

When I hit thirty years old, though, I knew I had to get serious about treatment. Anytime I got out of the shower I was reminded of how much my haircut concealed my hair loss and I dreaded humid days that flattened out my hair, windy days that pushed my hair from its most advantageous position. I had tried Propecia, but I was unlucky enough to have experienced some serious sexual side effects and, as the cure is worse than the disease in that case, I didn’t know what to do. I had just moved to NYC and began researching ways to prevent the hair loss again. I began using Rogaine again (which had never seemed to work for me), biotin supplements, and shampoos that promised to increase volume and density. Nothing worked. It was time to look into hair transplant surgeries.

As I researched, I noticed that there seemed to be a small-scale war going on regarding hair transplant surgeries. One webpage/person/video/review would claim that one procedure was the best and the other was terrible, and the very next webpage/person/video/review would say just the opposite. The whole thing felt counterproductive, and I knew I needed to actually speak with someone, and most importantly, someone who performed both treatments.

Dr. Bernstein’s clinic came up very quickly as I researched hair transplants. I called and researched a number of places but costs were either prohibitively high or suspiciously low and none of the results page (that shows the images of previous clients) looked as good as Dr. Bernstein’s (even when I cross referenced it to those with the specific Norwood level I thought I had). I decided to bite the admittedly expensive bullet and schedule a consultation.

I was extremely nervous when I was in Dr. Bernstein’s waiting room and had close to no idea what to expect. When I was called back to meet with Dr. Bernstein he asked all the questions you’d expect him to ask: Have you tried Propecia? Rogaine? How long has this been going on? What was I hoping to achieve? He examined my scalp and my hair and informed me what he thought he could offer. We talked about the benefits of FUT and FUE and which would be better for me. I know that some have commented that he is terse in his bedside manner, but he and I were able to joke a bit and I found his knowledgeable and calm approach reassuring. I was not looking for a new best friend or someone to hold my hand, I was looking for an expert surgeon, and Dr. Bernstein’s ability to answer my questions, his patience with me as I asked and re-asked an unending stream of questions, and his methodical attitude was more than I could have asked for. We spent more than 45 minutes in that initial consultation and I told him I needed time to think about it. He told me that if I ever wanted to come back, the price paid for the original consultation would cover any subsequent consultations within the year.

I thought a lot about what to do over the next few weeks. It was a big decision and everyday new questions piled up in my mind. I decided to schedule another consultation and in the next month I was in his office again asking him about how the hair would age, the recovery timeline, and tons of other things. He was extremely clear and direct while being patient with me. He made it clear that he was available for any questions I would have. On my way out of his office that day, I was sure I would get the procedure.


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The first week after my FUT procedure:

When I was looking things up, it was always a big help when people listed their concrete info, so
Norwood class: Early 3
Donor density: 2.1/mm (2.2 is average)
I received an FUT procedure of 2152 grafts (4911 total hairs).

Overall takeaway:

I was lucky enough to have someone there with me for the first week to take care of me. A lot of people are pretty open about their hair transplant, and that is good for them, but I didn’t particularly want to be. Having someone around to help really made my life easier. The pain is mild, and the grogginess from the medication is not really intense enough that you couldn’t manage without someone to help, but, as I did not want to be grocery shopping, doing laundry, etc. looking how I was looking and possibly running into people I know, it was a huge relief to have someone.

Aesthetically, I was a bit surprised by how intense the staples looked. I haven’t counted them, but there looks to be roughly 60 of them back there and my hair doesn’t really cover them, especially on the sides where the incision curves up (behind the ears). It is pretty visible from a medium distance, I think. However, once healed, it looks like the scar will be as minimal as they come. I still have all the staples in, but the incision is not red or even pink and it is as thin as a sheet of paper. From a very far distance, I doubt anyone would notice it at all if your hair is combed just right.

Swelling. This is different for everyone, I got it pretty bad. More details in the day-to-day, but know that when people say that you can have the procedure and go back to work in a couple days, they must have not had not very serious, or no swelling at all. Mine was brutal – like I lost two fights in a row.

Day 0 (Day of procedure)

I came into the office and signed the paperwork. It was all pretty standard. One thing I wasn’t expecting was a form for if they can extract more than the agreed upon follicular units if I would consent to it and agree to pay for these. Though I was initially unsure about this, it seems like a no-brainer now, and I am glad I did sign off on that. They were able to get extra grafts (I originally signed up for 1800) and it doesn’t really seem like upselling to me because I want more hair so, if they can get it, I’ll take it.
Dr. Bernstein has a great set up – a huge T.V. and they would put on anything you wanted. I didn’t really care as I was pretty nervous, and it actually didn’t matter much as I fell asleep a few times throughout the surgery. They had me select what I would like for lunch before I came in and was amazed when it was brought to me that I was hungry enough to eat. I’m pretty squeamish about surgery, but the whole thing was pretty neat and easy.
When it was time to go, the person who was with me ordered a car and we went home to my place. I fell asleep for the remainder of the day, waking up to snack on something, and then falling asleep again at night.

Day 1

I woke up with some small swelling around the top of my head and my hairline. My scalp was red, but the incision was not at all. It looked pretty good even by that point. Showering took some getting used to (especially as it seemed to have to be done non-stop), but soon enough the day was over.
Cognitively, I was mostly with it. I could have conversations and wasn’t too out of it. I didn’t need to take any pain medications throughout the day but took something at night to help me sleep. Sleeping that night was a bit tough since I was propped up on so many pillows, but the meds really helped. (Note: I am a very easy sleeper in general, though, so I was not anticipating a major problem here).

Day 2

The swelling had now expanded down my forehead. I got the hang of showering. Cognitively I was totally back to normal, a bit sleepy, but I was able to resume some minor work on the computer.

Day 3

The swelling continued to move down my forehead and onto the bridge of my nose and eyes. One eye was swollen shut. Redness in the scalp started to fade. Showering is time consuming. I was able to work, but I got tired faster than usual.

Day 4

The swelling around both eyes was pretty bad, but forehead was clearing up. Bruising around the eyes accompanied the swelling. I was able to put together some furniture I had delivered with no problems. I continued to do some minor work.

Day 5

The swelling was going down around eyes and almost completely gone from forehead. Sleeping without meds now.

Day 6

Swelling nearly gone.

Day 7

No more swelling.


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Thanks. I suspect I would get to around a 5A/5V... maybe a 6. In the first consultation, Dr. Bernstein was pretty clear that, because I experienced some negative side effects with medication that I will probably need a second procedure at a later date, but I'm ok with that. I’m happy he was transparent with me so I’m not surprised when my non-transplanted hairs eventually thin since I can’t be on the medication. He has a pretty good number of clients on his website with before and after photos - some of whom had more than one procedure and some of which had pretty advanced patterns which gave me a good idea of what things would look like after everything but the transplanted hairs thinned. Looking through that together was helpful to give me an idea of what to expect