Frontal hairline recovery


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hey guys, im new here

ive had hair loss for the last couple years and only decided to do something about it couple months ago. ive been on propecia for 2 months now with nizoral. few months ago my hairloss still wasnt visible to people but now its really showing. im extremely thin on the top of my head and front.

the thing is i still have lots of thin fine hairs where my hairline used to be, its receded siginificantly last few months. is there any chance of getting these to grow into longer thicker hair. i am probably gonna shave my head soon. should i go on minoxidil 5%?? im almost 22

some feedback would be appreciated, thanks.


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get used to it, your hairline will never be the same again. That said you should get on minoxidil. You never know how much prevention the stuff will do.


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If things got a little thinner during the time you have been on your regimen then be patient. My hairline took a hit also, looked worse then pre-treatment. Things have been much much better and my hairs seem to be getting much thicker. Those hairs you have lost were probably on their way out and were ejected by the effect Propecia is having on them. I hope things get better.



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sh*t, if my hairline grows back to the point where the vellous hair ends (and the intermediate fine darker hairs are coming in), I'll be so happy. Probably NW1.5ish at that point? Just another centimeter forward baby, that's all I want, it'd make a WORLD of difference :)


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It will get there Deaner! I know it main.......


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APSL said:
hey guys, im new here

ive had hair loss for the last couple years and only decided to do something about it couple months ago. ive been on propecia for 2 months now with nizoral. few months ago my hairloss still wasnt visible to people but now its really showing. im extremely thin on the top of my head and front.

the thing is i still have lots of thin fine hairs where my hairline used to be, its receded siginificantly last few months. is there any chance of getting these to grow into longer thicker hair. i am probably gonna shave my head soon. should i go on minoxidil 5%?? im almost 22

some feedback would be appreciated, thanks.

Well if you can keep up with applying it 2x/day and your hair loss is pretty noticeable (my before photos) then yes go for it.



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Deaner said:
sh*t, if my hairline grows back to the point where the vellous hair ends (and the intermediate fine darker hairs are coming in), I'll be so happy. Probably NW1.5ish at that point? Just another centimeter forward baby, that's all I want, it'd make a WORLD of difference :)

No doubt. I am totaly on board with this statement.

But we will never be 100% happy until we get it all, but this is close.

So far they are coming in though, very slowly, but they be comin in de hairline.