From Finasteride / Topical Minoxidl to Dutasteride / Oral Minoxidil


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Hey Guys

I had the opportunity to takes pictures but did not receive any feedback from the dermatologist as of now... idk why.

Anyways so I was on Finasteride 1mg daily and topical minoxidil. Then changed to Dutasteride 0.5 mg and oral minoxidil because the dermatologist said it is good as it is but could further improve. So now I took the pictures three months later but I don't know if it worsen or gottan better... I don't know if there are any professionals here cause I dont know if a non dermatologist can judge ;)


Furthermore, if I change from Finasteride to Dutasteride does it mean that I shed first again and see results again in around 4-6months?

If any of you got time to check it out would rly appreciate it.

Cheers Sascha


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Too soon as you also switched to oral minoxidil and Dutasteride again is too soon to determine growth. You have to wait 6-12 months to determine the results on any Hairloss medication.