Frequency of Doctor checkups?


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For those of you getting Propecia prescriptions through your doctor...

How often does your doctor request to see you in person in order to continue prescribing your refills?

For the first few years on Propecia, I don't think I ever saw my doctor after the initial consultation. But now every six months or so we have a fight about it, about my needing to "be seen" again. I was there less than a year ago, and now he wants be back again before giving me a refill - even though I've only actually taken 4 months of Propecia since my last visit.

I mean come on, we did a full blood workup a year ago... it's just Propecia for god's sake. The fact that I never need to see him for health reasons should be a clue, lol. He knows I have no existing health problems, don't smoke or drink, etc. It's not like I'm "at risk."

Maybe I'm being paranoid and lazy, but is sounds like an excuse/blackmail to make money for visits.


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I have been taking finasteride for 17 months andnever told the doctor about it and never will unless I really have to.

I work under the premise that I take finasteride and if I experience sides I will stop, if I don't i will carry on.

17 months and never had a single problem.


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I have been on Propeica for 15 months and have seen my general internist twice to get a prescription. I am going to see a Dermatologist though nest week. I think it is best to get a specialists recommendation since my other Doctor could not answer many questions I had about Propecia. :shock:


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Z said:
I have been taking finasteride for 17 months andnever told the doctor about it and never will unless I really have to.

I work under the premise that I take finasteride and if I experience sides I will stop, if I don't i will carry on.

17 months and never had a single problem.

I envy you. I'd LOVE to get it myself, without a prescription, and just get my own bloodwork done every few years. But I'm just not sure I trust any of the less-than-legit routes of getting it. I'd hate to find out after a year that'd I'd been taking very convincing-looking placebos. Or worse.

What bugs me is except for the last visit where we did bloodwork, every other visit was literally "Hi Siberian, how ya been? Propecia workin? Good. See ya next time." Seriously, no checkup, nada. Just literally to make sure I'm still alive. Damn easy money for him.


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Ask him if you can get a repeat prescription from him and have your bloodwork done every 6-12 months.