Found A Good Video But Is It Bs? Posted Proof


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I found this video but I think the owner is lying for views. But some stuff honestly lines up with it. I didn’t believe the video so I looked around their channel.

here he said he got his hair back with rosemary oil:

but I didn’t believe it so I looked through all his videos and he has perfect hair in every single video. The before and after pictures are him I’m pretty sure. Also in his before pics it always looks wet or oily.

here’s another video that actually shows his hair and the loss pattern is the same but doesn’t look that bad.

but I’m not sure I looked through a bunch of videos older to newer and his hair always look thick af in everything. Plus he has a bunch of videos with crappy products saying they regrew hair but his before pics do progressively worse the older his “hair regrowth” videos get.

I dunno is he just some Indian scammer trying to get views on YouTube? I think he could maybe be using some toppik hair concealer or type stuff but I have no clue. His before and after pics seem legit but he never really looks like he has severe hair loss in videos.

his hair loss pattern always looks the same in videos. I kinda believe in rosemary working a little bit but not anything else.


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Before and after pictures have become meaningless to me ever since I've learned how to use concealers.

Close up videos of the person combing through their hair would be more convincing. Concealers + hair length and styling can play a huge role in an after picture.

I do pictures for my updates, but when I get significant results I'd definitely do a video because I wouldn't blame people for being skeptical... the hair loss community has been fed lies and exaggerated results for a long time.