Forced to quit finasteride, what's next?


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I have NEVER said that spironolactone is the most important ingredient!


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israelite said:
Bryan said:
I have NEVER said that spironolactone is the most important ingredient!
I will find the post .

Please do that! You must be confusing me with someone else.


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Wow..I wonder how that vote count would have ended in that thread that got conveniently locked :woot:

Yet another gem from Bryan over at HLH: "With the complete lack of any evidence that 15% minoxidil does anything at all, I'd just use ordinary Rogaine. It's cheap, and easily available at any pharmacy."

Replace that "15% minoxidil" with "Proxiphen" and you'll be honest..and consistent, Bryan.

Bryan is a shill for Proctor and his products. He's been shill 'n spam'n the crap for 15+ years. See the links/threads below..for starters:


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Jacob said:
Yet another gem from Bryan over at HLH: "With the complete lack of any evidence that 15% minoxidil does anything at all, I'd just use ordinary Rogaine. It's cheap, and easily available at any pharmacy."

Replace that "15% minoxidil" with "Proxiphen" and you'll be honest..and consistent, Bryan.

Why do you think I would be "honest and consistent" if I did that? :dunno:

There are LOTS of people who have had very good results from using Proxiphen. It's a proven treatment.


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Bryan said:
Jacob said:
Yet another gem from Bryan over at HLH: "With the complete lack of any evidence that 15% minoxidil does anything at all, I'd just use ordinary Rogaine. It's cheap, and easily available at any pharmacy."

Replace that "15% minoxidil" with "Proxiphen" and you'll be honest..and consistent, Bryan.

Why do you think I would be "honest and consistent" if I did that? :dunno:

There are LOTS of people who have had very good results from using Proxiphen. It's a proven treatment.

LOTS, 15 years ago? From posters who never updated after their cute little posts, including Will Brink?

It'd be easy to say there are LOTS of people who have had very good results from using 15% minoxidil. Why do you think there was such an uproar when Lee's went down?

So that is why you are dishonest..inconsistent..and a hypocrite.


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Jacob said:
Bryan said:
Why do you think I would be "honest and consistent" if I did that? :dunno:

There are LOTS of people who have had very good results from using Proxiphen. It's a proven treatment.

LOTS, 15 years ago? From posters who never updated after their cute little posts, including Will Brink?


Jacob said:
It'd be easy to say there are LOTS of people who have had very good results from using 15% minoxidil. Why do you think there was such an uproar when Lee's went down?

I don't think it had anything to do with "15% minoxidil". I think it had to do with his ordinary 5% minoxidil, which was very popular. I think even our own "cassin" was a big fan of it: it wasn't nearly as greasy as ordinary Rogaine.

I suppose that some people were also fond of "Xandrox" (with Dr. Lee's very tenuous theory about azelaic acid), but I think it was mainly just his standard 5% topical minoxidil that was so popular.


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Thank you Bryan. You admit it was posters from 15 years ago that never updated after their cute little Prox posts.

I don't care what you think it was..."mainly". Well first you say you don't think it had anything to do with 15% minoxidil. :shakehead: There were LOTS of them. LOTS more than the..what- dozen?...that you used "LOTS" for when talking about 15 year old reviews of Proxicrap.

Again...So that is why you are dishonest..inconsistent..and a hypocrite.


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monty1978 said:
Bryan said:
There are LOTS of people who have had very good results from using Proxiphen. It's a proven treatment.

Lot's of people who got good results from 15% minoxidil too, myself included, thanks to good old Dr Lee, who despite being a 'doctor' was much berated by yourself.

So is Dr Lee's 15% minoxidil a 'proven treatment'? he is a doctor after all!

I bet that if we did a poll we would find alot more satisfied customers from Dr Lee than Dr Proctor, yet we still wouldn't be able to claim it a proven treatment would we!?

That would be a poll I'd love to see...


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monty1978 said:
Lot's of people who got good results from 15% minoxidil too, myself included...

Compared to ordinary 5% topical minoxidil?? :dunno:

monty1978 said:
...thanks to good old Dr Lee, who despite being a 'doctor' was much berated by yourself.

I "berated" him only in the case of azelaic acid, the use of which wasn't scientific. In most other cases, I had no problem with his products; his 5% topical minoxidil was very popular, because it was so user-friendly (it wasn't as greasy as Rogaine). If I remember correctly, I've even seen Dr. Proctor recommend to someone that the person use Dr. Lee's propylene glycol-free version of topical minoxidil.

monty1978 said:
So is Dr Lee's 15% minoxidil a 'proven treatment'? he is a doctor after all!

I honestly don't know. Has Dr. Lee ever actually tested 15% minoxidil, or was he just selling it, because he know people would buy it? :dunno:

monty1978 said:
I bet that if we did a poll we would find alot more satisfied customers from Dr Lee than Dr Proctor, yet we still wouldn't be able to claim it a proven treatment would we!?

Very few people know anything AT ALL about Dr. Proctor, compared to the mass appeal that Dr. Lee used to have. That's because of the high prices and the super-sophistication of Dr. Proctor's products. Compare THAT to the meat-and-potatoes approach of Dr. Lee! :) Paraphrasing what Will Brink said, Proxiphen is the Rolls Royce of treatments, while Dr. Lee's topical minoxidil was the Volkswagen Beetle!!


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Jacob said:
I don't care what you think it was..."mainly". Well first you say you don't think it had anything to do with 15% minoxidil. :shakehead: There were LOTS of them. LOTS more than the..what- dozen?...that you used "LOTS" for when talking about 15 year old reviews of Proxicrap.

How many people used his 15% minoxidil because they actually got results from it (more than ordinary Rogaine), and how many used it simply because it was the IN thing to do? I've written posts before about how unsophisticated so many people are, and are "snowed" by simple things like how much extra minoxidil is in a product.

By the way, there are a lot more people (Proxiphen enthusiasts) than just the 12 people I put in that list of "rave reviews". It was just to prove a point to the person over on HLH who had made the astonishing claim that he had NEVER (not one single time) seen anybody say anything good about Proxiphen. I believed I made my point just by finding an even dozen such people, and called-off my search at that point.


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Bryan said:
Jacob said:
I don't care what you think it was..."mainly". Well first you say you don't think it had anything to do with 15% minoxidil. :shakehead: There were LOTS of them. LOTS more than the..what- dozen?...that you used "LOTS" for when talking about 15 year old reviews of Proxicrap.

How many people used his 15% minoxidil because they actually got results from it (more than ordinary Rogaine), and how many used it simply because it was the IN thing to do? I've written posts before about how unsophisticated so many people are, and are "snowed" by simple things like how much extra minoxidil is in a product.

By the way, there are a lot more people (Proxiphen enthusiasts) than just the 12 people I put in that list of "rave reviews". It was just to prove a point to the person over on HLH who had made the astonishing claim that he had NEVER (not one single time) seen anybody say anything good about Proxiphen. I believed I made my point just by finding an even dozen such people, and called-off my search at that point.

Bryan..would you stop being so stupid and hypocritical? Your whole first paragraph there- put "Proxiphen" in place of "15% minoxidil". And then add your 15+ years of shilling the crap with unfounded claims- things you STILL say..I guess for those "unsophisticated" people.

A "lot more" eh? Good luck with that.


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monty1978 said:
So where are all these Rolls Royce responders then? Proctors products aren't that expensive on the generall scale of things. There has to be 10 on the whole forum who use proxi whatever.

I don't know if there are 10 Proxiphen users on this forum, but I do know that there are at least a couple...

monty1978 said:
I mean damn, I'd find £400 monthly of "discretionary" income if I knew for sure it was the "Rolls Royce" of treatments. If that was a good as it was going to get, yeah I'd find £400 and get the best and make a few life sacrifices and I'm not wealthy. Where are all these people?

A drug as good, hell, not even as good, but certainly better than finasteride with zero side effects and no impact on body chemistry would be all over the forums even if it cost 1k monthly. People would be harping on about it and selling the grans jewellery to pay for it!

OH MY GOD!! I think he's FINALLY starting to understand why I talk about it and promote it so much!! :bravo:


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Bryan, people who think objectively and actively about their purchasing decisions are not "unsophisticated". That statement you garbled alone is enough to display your ignorance. There's no hard data. Proctor is one of those PhD' individuals who is trying to market his product as effectively as possible. No data and no pictures =no cigar for the community. Disembark your account senor or become more logical.