folligen or spironolactone...what should i add?


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hey everyone
Soo im looking for a new product to add to my regime.
Ive been using rogaine for about 10 months, nizoral for a year, and revita for 2 months.

What should i add next. Im not gonna consider propecia, seeing as i had sides from saw palmetto.

Which do you think would be better, folligen or spironolactone?
spironolactone is considered a dht blocker, but i havent seen too many success stories for it.

I would love to hear everyones opinion


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everyones busy looking at david bekhams hair or contemplating hoppi's new theory where the combustion of anti-matter coupled with promoting vegetarianism in third world countries will reduce metalic inflamation in your liver...

i say both? I'm currently using spironolactone (only for a week). But i'd like to cut out minoxidil. Might add some form of apple polyphenols, or copper peptides (folligen). Is there anything in folligen that would counteract spironolactone (similar to minoxidil and spironolactone) ?


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hahah thanks for replying.

yeah i would try both...but right now im trying to be as conservative as i can with spending money on hairloss products.
I think for now im gonna add spironolactone, and if in a year im still looking for another product ill add folligen

and as far as i know nothing in folligen counteracts with spironolactone. in fact ive read alot of people on this forum that use both in their regime.


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And should use Hair Signals instead of folligen (hair signals is pretty much folligen with added DHT blockers)

I just alternate spironolactone and HS after minoxidil application each night


Private Ryan

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i rather use foillgen over hair signals. adding a bunch of unproven so call "DHT blocker" with extremely doubtful effect while costing double of folligen isn't quite my cup of tea :dunno:

comparing folligen and spironolactone, personally i will take folligen but since you are not on finasteride, i choose spironolactone for you if i can only take one of the two.


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Hey flamingpie,

I figured I'd reply to your question since I just recently added these 2 products to my regime.

I don't know if you've made a decision yet, but looking at your regime you should definatetly purchase spironolactone over folligen. Just coz you don't have any sufficient DHT blockers to your regime so far. You wanna put a plug on hair loss first as opposed to adding another growth stimulant. I know folligen has some DHT blocking ingredients (saw palmetto), but spironolactone operates as a different mechanism and is in a completely different ball game in DHT blocking as far as other products are concerned.

Folligen is great at taking those crappy little stringy bits of hair that minoxidil. caused to sprout and turning them into thicker hairs.

Im using folligen by the way, and its great - but spironolactone as it stands, is a bigger priority for you atm.




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thanks for the responses guys.

i actually ordered s5 spironolactone and started using it as of yesterday. Finding it very easy to apply, and i dont think the smell is as bad as everyone is saying. hope this stuff works!


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Private Ryan said:
i rather use foillgen over hair signals. adding a bunch of unproven so call "DHT blocker" with extremely doubtful effect while costing double of folligen isn't quite my cup of tea :dunno:

Maybe so but isn't hairsignals just the same as folligen (with so called DHT blockers) and also helinski penetrating agents (whatever that means?) When i bought it i figured it couldnt be any less efective than folligen and would most likely get some added benefit even if only a little


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I bought some hair signals a few months ago but haven't really taken to it. One of the reasons is I don't know how much I should apply to my whole scalp or one area (my crown area is in need of the most attention). Can someone on here advise me on how much I should apply in one go and suggest a suitable applicator for this purpose?

I'm also considering spironolactone as an alternative to finasteride. From reading people's posts on this site it seems it's not as effective as finasteride but has anyone had good results in keeping what hair they have with spironolactone?