FOAM Shedding


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I´m actually taking minoxidil 5% for over 2 Years without any visible results. Maybe it slows down my baldness.
But no recrown. I only used it for my temples.
Even my temples are getting much more worth, I decided to include finasteride in my regime. I´m in month 5 now but no results.....maybe my hairloss on my crown is ok, but horror Front-Shedding!!! I think 15-25 Hairs every other day in front of my hairline.
I think it is 2cm in 6 weeks and it goes on and on and on....
Could be caused by an initial shed from the new foam....but after 2 years on minoxidil?!?!
Since last night I´m using Fluta to reduce the adrogen receptors in my scalp I hope it will calm my hairs.

Do you advising me to stop that minoxidil-horror or goes on with the BIG 4 (incl. Fluta)?
It was in my plan seeing th results of finasteride and minoxidil both together.....

But after 5 month on it I´m going crazy to use it day and day and nothing happen but hairloss.

Has anybody here have made the same experiences and can give me some hope?

Thx for your answers...


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JDW said:
where are you applying it?

only in my temples and in my hairline...1ml a day, two times

finasteride alone will make a good job in my crown so I dont´t need to apply minoxidil there.


nograce said:
JDW said:
where are you applying it?

only in my temples and in my hairline...1ml a day, two times

finasteride alone will make a good job in my crown so I dont´t need to apply minoxidil there.

You better don´t trust on that. For me finasteride is doing almost nothing, it only keeps my hairline where it´s at but the rest of my head is thinning at an incredible pace. 1 ml twice a day only for the temples is a lot. Keep in mind that 1ml is the recommended dosage for the whole top of your head.


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today....frontshedding increases first time up to 45 hairs....only in my temples and my front.
It´s unbelieveable...can´t touch my hair not anymore :-(



Experienced Member
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I think 15-25 Hairs every other day in front of my hairline.

frontshedding increases first time up to 45 hairs....only in my temples and my front.

If that are the numbers, and lets say you lose another 40-45 hair from crown and vertex, you sum up to 80-100 hair/day. That is of course within the normal shedding of people who do not suffer from male pattern baldness.

People must understand that shedding from a medicine, or increased shedding due to male pattern baldness, means the shedding that provides you a visible (negative) result within some months. Counting your hair can tell you nothing other than freak you out with no reasons. I got friends with long hair who shed more than 200 hair per day and have extremely thick hair.


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Problem is that there is a visible decradation in my hairline.
Every week I can make new pics of my temples.
Can´t see any visible improvement.

But let´s wait...trinking tee

I hope that is a shed and a good sign new hair will recrow faster and thicker. :cry:


Established Member
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Month five is still early, so dont panic just yet.

Check out my earlier post on this subject, i have some pretty decent pics for comparison.


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sorry.....can´t find your pics :-(
too many threats....


Experienced Member
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TERRORIST threats?


Experienced Member
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Your temples are extremely DHT sensitive. Bad idea to use minoxidil for 2 years and not take finastride with it.

Maybe minoxidil was trying to regrow hair in your temples but DHT kept knocking it down?


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Update: month six now.
Fronthair is still thinning. Absolutely no fluff, no other little hairs...nothing.
sh*t...that can´t be.
Sometimes i remembered the statement of my Doctor: " Are you shure having MBP? Should we make another tricho?"