Foam is scary strong.

Finish line

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So, what am I now, two weeks into my regimen?

Now, been on 1X minoxidil for three years. And good results but not complete.. (also finasteride).

But I will confirm now what others have been reporting, explosive growth.

I've always been a responder but I never used minoxidil 2X per day and I often skipped days.

Now, with 2X daily, I'm seeing a very strong initial response along my hairline (which is immediately visible when I check the mirror, I'm not really looking anywhere else).

Also, it's very easy for me to notice this because my head is shaved.

There is a TON of solid black baby hairs coming up.

Now, I don't think this would happen the same way for someone starting from ZERO. I was on minoxidil for three years.

This also tells me to expect a monster shed in a few months. But it's all good, it's working. Looks like I'll fill in 100% and foam will hold me over until Curis and Intercytex get their sh*t together.


Best part about foam is how completely transparent it is in your life compared to the old minoxidil which was like a living character you had to deal with and set aside time for.


posts like this are exciting and make me not want to wait till august to start it.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
posts like this are exciting and make me not want to wait till august to start it. dont join the topical camp!!! ;)

i have a feeling that my diffusion will respond well to rogaine. it should at least thicken my hairs in front, providing more density.

badasshairday III

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Man, its so true. I've been on minoxidil for over 3 years, liquid, but its so hard to keep up the regimen with the liquid. I did the first like 8 months hardcore twice a day then I dropped to once a day. Lately for the past year or more its been 1x a day and I skip several days here and there.

I just got the foam two days ago. My goodness, i love it. 2x a day. My temples are gonna be shocked, I can't wait.


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Even with the foam I tend to be a lazy bastard at times lol

It's probably very easy to apply if you got a shaved head, but if you got some hair on your head it just requires a bit more precision and quickness.. it's a tad annoying when it gets in your hair but oh well I deal with it.. I couldn't even imagine using the liquid version :shock:


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I tried using the liquid version back in 00 or 01 and it sucked... Started using foam 1/07 and it's very easy to use, it's basically my styling product.


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badasshairday III,
tell me did you have a big shed during those years you were on minoxidil?
I'm on it for a little more than a year and i now have an incredible shedding that won't stop. I only had such a shed when i first started minoxidil and that lasted 6 weeks.

Finish line

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Yeah, guess I'm over a month now with it, and I apply twice a day like clockwork, and it's as natural as brushing teeth, probably easier and faster.

I was going to make a post later but I saw this one bounce back up...

My temples are throwing hairs. I even have a few little black ones standing out beyond the front line. I can tell it's going to be a pretty dense hairline in a few months.

Foam for the win.

I think I've applied more foam in the past month than I would apply in 2.5 months with the liquid.


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Finish line said:
Yeah, guess I'm over a month now with it, and I apply twice a day like clockwork, and it's as natural as brushing teeth, probably easier and faster.

I was going to make a post later but I saw this one bounce back up...

My temples are throwing hairs. I even have a few little black ones standing out beyond the front line. I can tell it's going to be a pretty dense hairline in a few months.

Foam for the win.

I think I've applied more foam in the past month than I would apply in 2.5 months with the liquid.

Dont get you hope TOO high, foam will bring down your hairline, but the density of the new hairline probabily won't be too satisfying.


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The foam helped me a lot the first two months now things have quieted down. I haven't lost ground though. And I agree applying the liquid stuff was like living a double character.

Finish line

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RaginDemon said:
Finish line said:
Yeah, guess I'm over a month now with it, and I apply twice a day like clockwork, and it's as natural as brushing teeth, probably easier and faster.

I was going to make a post later but I saw this one bounce back up...

My temples are throwing hairs. I even have a few little black ones standing out beyond the front line. I can tell it's going to be a pretty dense hairline in a few months.

Foam for the win.

I think I've applied more foam in the past month than I would apply in 2.5 months with the liquid.

Dont get you hope TOO high, foam will bring down your hairline, but the density of the new hairline probabily won't be too satisfying.

Lol. I'm looking in the mirror right now and see a fully solidifying hairline. I'm a very good responder to minoxidil and have been on the stuff for three years.

As I've said before, I'm right on the edge of having great hair. a diffuse Norwood 2, and it's thickening up to where it won't be noticeable.

I think I might have some idea of what to expect.