Foam application questions


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Please help:

Guys, I just have a couple of quick questions in regards to minoxidil Foam application:
1.) Does your hair have to be dry when applying?
2.) Can I apply it at night and then shower the same night before I go to bed? Mainly asking, does it wash out? Do I have to leave it in for an extended period of time for it to soak in and work, before showering or swimming or whatever?
3.) Does my hair have to be washed to apply? Meaning, say I put it on after my shower (w/dry hair) in the morning, THEN, I get home from work and don’t shower before I go out that night, can I apply it to hair that has product in it and hasn’t been washed since the first dose of minoxidil in the morning?

Your help is appreciated…just trying to get the most I can out of this product. finasteride already gave me man-yams


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you need to leave it in for 4 hours before washing your hair, it takes time to absorb into your scalp. your hair should be dry when applying it. your hair does not have to be clean to apply it, i wash my hair every second day so i have 3 or 4 minoxidil applications in there.


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Thanks for the response...genuinely

So 4 hours is the "for sure" time frame needed to absorb, correct?


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i put it in with damp hair, my hair absorbs less this way

water in an ingrediant in rogaine so i dont see any harm


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If your scalp is wet you may get more absorption into the blood stream and hence more sides.