Foam Application Question


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I'm just beginning to have hair loss, and as a consequence I've jumped on the big three.

I'm trying to use the Rogaine foam, since it seems to work better and be less unpleasant than the liquid stuff. The problem is that, because I'm just starting to loose my hair and I still have pretty good coverage, it's difficult for me to get the foam directly on the scalp. Instead, a lot of it gets caught in my hair. I try to part the hair as much as possible, but it's far from perfect.

Any ideas? Is it okay if I just massage the foam into my scalp without parting my hair?

Thanks in advance.


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Try to apply it directly to your scalp not with your finger and then rub it in .What ever you get on your hair will dry up

Hate Balding

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If you just started losing your hair and still have alot of coverage you should first probably try out propecia alone and then after a year or so add Rogaine. Get checked out by a doctor to ensure it is male pattern baldness.