First Time Here, Looking For Insight And Direction. Thanks.


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Hey, this is my first time reaching out in regard to my hair. Honestly for a long time I've been anxious to even bring it up, maybe somewhat hoping that if I ignore it, it won't be there. Clearly, that's not ... sane.

So, here I am. I'm 29 soon turning 30 and trying to see what I can do to take best care of myself. I'm new to all of this and from browsing the forum. I guess I'm a Norwood 2.

The top is definitely thinner than the back and sides, but not extremely thin. I don't have any noticeable crown balding. The recession has stayed where it is now for about five years. Maybe a slight bit more but I've had my temples exposed since my yearly twenties and it's stayed in the general area.

I do notice that when I'm extremely stressed I will shed more.

Right now my hair is about shoulder length. But I have it in a bun to get the best guidance.

What are my options. It makes me uncomfortable having the uneven hairline and I'd like to be able to maintain my hair. I should mention my father and his brothers are all bald and my mothers father (grandpa) was bald as well. (Though I only knew him past his 70s and don't know if his hair was intact for most his life.

Okay, so new to all of this.

Here we go.



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Unfortunately, you are balding m8. Quite slow but you've reached NW2 zone.

Notwithstanding, you are good looking and will look bald OK (no homo here)

Jump on finasteride asap if you want to save ur hair


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I do think using finasteride you can maintain your NW2 look for a while, because you have a good structure it doesn't look bad at all atm, but I can imagine if the temples continued to go back, it won't look good anymore.


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Don´t worry, the denial stage happens to almost everybody. Finasteride is your way to go. You are lucky to have such a good face.
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Cut your hair.

Try the usual treatments

Eat some more! Lol

Just curious, what haircut would you recommend, I do need to get it cleaned up but I was planning on letting it grow out, I actually wanted to do the hombre, like Jared Leto had a few years ago.

When I first noticed I was balding I shaved my head and I guess right now I want to use it while I've got it.

Haha, Youre right. I do need to hit the climbing wall. Looking thin.


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Thank you all for the input. It was I guess what I expected to hear, "going bald man, get on medications" other than the good looking face part, Thanks, brother.

So finestride and rogaine. These are my two options. Do you think I'd see regrowth or would it possibly keep everything where it is?

I've been looking through the form and saw other men saying they had regrowth or thicker hair after using these products. Which would be great but the side effects scare the sh*t out of me.

Last night, finally really looking at it I was wondering that if I did finasteride/minoxidil and they worked at halting the loss. Would it make sense to do a light transplant to even the front out a bit? My hairline isn't symmetrical.

Running hair-
Just curious, what haircut would you recommend, I do need to get it cleaned up but I was planning on letting it grow out, I actually wanted to do the hombre, like Jared Leto had a few years ago.

When I first noticed I was balding I shaved my head and I guess right now I want to use it while I've got it.

Thanks again guys.