First Step in Hair Regrowth Anagen/Growth Phase


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You’ve seen the posts, the theories, the “experts” & you’ve tried 100’s of things & nothing works & your lost in a daze..
What is happening to my hair?
Very simply if you’re a male… your hair is bombarded 24/7 with DHT. Some areas of scalp are more sensitive to the cascade of effects & slowly disintegrate into oblivion..
Very simply the typical balding areas have gone into an extended telogen (resting/No growth) phase followed by an exogen (shedding) phase. What is important to realize is you want your hairs to be in the anagen (growing) phase. That is the key. Anagen — How do I counteract the Non-Anagen effects of DHT?
Women have very low DHT levels so their hairs are always growing in Anagen phase. Estrogen is a growth factor to hair.. So a double plus in hair growth.. but what about men.. Let’s lower DHT.. But doing so requires drugs with side effects… And why take the risk to dying hairs? Minoxidil or vasolation .. Yes increasing blood flow & nutrients might help temporarily but the hairs are still under a death sentence.. They are not in the anagen stage of GROWTH.. They are being signaled 24/7 to die.. Even if we eliminate DHT completely.. the hairs still might not regrow… what a chance to take..
So we have to consider to signal the hair follicles/stem cells to regrow.
If you look at aging males, even those with apparent full heads of hair.. you realize their hairs don’t look vibrant, healthy, shiny.. because in fact they are perhaps slower than most, but nonetheless breaking down as well.. Their hairs are slowly but surely falling out of the anagen stage.. So what isn’t talked about enough is how to put the hairs affected by DHT hypersensitivity back into the anagen/growth phase.
Laser caps bring more nutrients & blood flow & extend anagen but are not strong enough. At least at present.. But it’s the right general idea. A non-drug approach.
I’ve tried the laser approach with little success… but it’going in right direction..
The laser light is trying to signal the hair follicles to regrow, but the DHT seems to be winning… Perhaps someone will invent a better product.. But there are other ways to signal the hair stem cells/ grow..
But it looks like males are going to have to engage in a daily protocol like a teeth retainer to signal the follicles to grow despite the DHT being present..
The only question is HOW? The best way..
Luckily we have some research..


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It sounds like you're really diving deep into the complexities of hair loss, especially in relation to DHT and its effects. While DHT is a major factor in male pattern baldness, and lowering it with drugs like finasteride can help, there are risks involved. Minoxidil and laser treatments can stimulate blood flow to the scalp and extend the growth phase, but as you’ve found, they may not be enough to fully counteract the effects of DHT on the hair follicles.


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Yes.. I’ve tried all the conventional methods.. They don’t work unless presumably you take reckless amounts.
The important point is:Is if you hairs/follicles are not in Anagen/growth phase .. all these protocols are not going to work. Scientists can tell whether a particular hair is in Anagen/growing phase or isn’t. And research is such that even if your scalp is saturated with DHT:/ androgens there are ways to signal the hairs back into Anagen phase despite DHT signaling Don’t Grow. What that means is a male doesn’t have to mess with his natural hormones & he can still grow his hair.
So I’m testing this for last month & am seeing regrowth in ways I haven’t in past.
It’s funny.. Overall I think hair has improved, but different spots/areas improve more & others still stubborn to change.
So along these lines I’m doing Niostem unit —30 minutes/day, Hairmax/Actonis Lasercomb 18–(8-16) minutes every other day.. Hairmax Actonis hair vitamins 2 per day.. Btw Hairmax has quite a few clinical studies in laser/hair growth field.
I also have the latest Hairgiard machine which I do 10 minutes at least a day..
So with all this one would hope for movement. The Niostem & vitamins/ lasercomb (real lasers not LED’s) are an overall treatment.. The lasercomb can pinpoint specific areas as well. hairline. sides etc.


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Estrogen helps put hairs in Anagen/growth phase.. but you’re risking side effects..

Derek Clapton

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I like your logical approach.

Have you looked into why only hair follicles in certain areas shrink? i.e. the typical horseshoe shape? I don't know what norwood jazz this pertains to but my point is this seems to be the top of the head - why is this?

I wonder if it's to do with scalp tension/gravity, i.e. if you had a mannequin and chucked an uncooked pizza base on it, the centre would stretch due to gravity - if this is the case with our heads then it might explain why the central areas lose hair and the sides do not - because blood flow to these areas are reduced.

It has crossed my mind that something along the lines of one of those devices which allow you to strap in and invert your body might help to fight this and use gravity to encourage blood flow into these areas. minoxidil and various lazers try to do this in a different way but it's still fighting against gravity.


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As far as horseshoe male pattern baldness.. It may well be the tension/bloodflow theory. But even if it is—(and I have the Hsirguard latest model to stretch the scalp) the follicles are still being “signaled” to not grow…Inverting head same thing.. More bloodflow to not growing Telogen follicles.. I’ve tried both & as stated I have the clever Hairguard device.
The problem as I see it is how can we achieve Anagen to the follicles. Luckily clinical studies have been in the laboratory studying the very question. And to my knowledge there are 2 ways proven to work.
1)Medical grade lasers.. Hairmax has published studies in Legitimate Medical Journals accepted by FDA & doctors.
2) Niogen- mini electrical stimulation.. also clinical studies finished/published & new bigger ones underway..

Derek Clapton

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So what is signalling them not to grow? DHT right?

So lazers do what? Don't they just encourage blood flow also?

It seems like you're always going to be competing against DHT which is signalling to the follicle to not grow. You're just trying to counteract that by getting blood to flow to it anyway which will bring nutrients that help it to grow, but also DHT.


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The DHT signals to the follicles to slow down hair growth.. Whether it’s universal or just DHT sensitivity is another debate. But looking at males it’s a horrendous problem.. So I instinctively thought we have to block DHT before hair can start to grow like it did once upon a time.. Or increase restrictive blood flow to grow hair like before.. But thank G-d that isn’t true… DHT is signaling the hair follicle, but we can “overide” it & get the follicles to grow anyway… Even better than Finasteride, topicals etc..
So think about that..
DHT is like drinking alcohol & not getting drunk if you do these protocols to overide it.. The question is does it work..
So for last month I started testing this hypothesis.. after-all I’ve tried 100 different things. And I’m starting to see areas that stopped growing..
The hair doesn’t regrow in all areas at same rate.. I still have areas that are stubborn which I concentrate more on..
So I’m in the beginning stage of this protocol..

Derek Clapton

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How are your protocols overriding DHT though? As I said, to my knowledge (could be wrong) I thought lazers stimulate blood flow, whereas DHT signals to shrink the follicle and thus restrict blood flow. If the lazers work in other ways than I imagined, please explain how.


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To get into the precise mechanism would go into the lengthy pathways .. Suffice to say… the hair follicles are SIGNALED in different ways to grow or not to grow/deteriorate. DHT sensitivity signals the hair follicles are to eventually not grow/deteriorate. Given that DHT is a normal constant there were little recourse.
However through scientific/clinical studies it has been proven this DHT signaling can be overcome by medical grade lasers.. AND microelectro stimulation..
I tried LED lights before w) zero results. I now have medical grade lasers. Also microelectro stimulation although proven didn’t have a viable apparatus for general public until recently.
The blood flow hypotheses may have some validity .. but to answer your question..Yes lasers increase blood flow, cellular regeneration, reduction of inflammation all hair growth positives..
Awakening dormant follicles despite DHT being present. Lasers start putting follicles back in Anagen/growth phase by their participation signaling.


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Hair regrowth is definitely complex, especially with DHT's impact. Getting follicles back into the anagen phase seems to be the key, but current solutions like lasers or DHT blockers aren’t always enough. Hopefully, ongoing research will lead to better approaches soon.


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For me minoxidil never did anything., Duasteride nothing also.. So out of necessity had to try something else.. I’m getting some results which is a breath of fresh air..

Derek Clapton

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Fina and duta worked for me but the side effects became too much. Curious to see how this works for you. I assume these lazers are expensive, right?


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I have dabbled in subject but never studied it. I had a 20 year old laser comb which I just sold recently in a drawer unused for years. I had an LED helmet which I used.. but neither seemed to work.. but really I didn’t have a scientific gameplan…I also recently sold that too.
So when I started focusing on Anagen hair growth I came to articles that Yes lasers have been scientifically proven to move hairs into Anagen phase w/o drugs..
So I next looked at the scientifically accepted studies & lo & behold Hairmax has a large proportion of them.. I was a bit surprised.. but there it was study after study… FDA approved / doctor accepted .. yes medical grade lasers work. So I went to Hairmax website & bought their latest handheld. Retail about $400 but I got a new one for $200..
it has one set of lasers for hair growth & another set to lessen scalp inflammation..
It is an 8 minute session every other day..
Too much doesn’t necessarily correlate to better results.. So that’s what I currently use.. I like the comb because I can pinpoint areas I need to hit.
Now there could be better lasers & I would love to read about them