First shed on the big 3, at 6 months in


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I'm 6 months in on the big 3. I've been seeing great results and no shedding up until a couple of weeks ago. I am now shedding like a Saint Bernard in August. My hair still looks fine, but I can easily cover my hands with hair if I run them through it, and when I comb my hair I can feel hair follicles landing on my nose and eyebrows. I can sort of see them dancing in the bathroom light as I comb my hair. I'm stocked up on Toppik to get me through it though, and I know this is normal so I'm just curious if any of you had similar experiences.

At what points did you noticing shedding while on the big 3 (in terms of months)? And how long did it last? I'm going on 2 weeks here.