First Hair System Hair4all Or Hair Solutions?


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Hello guys,
I'm a 27 year old guy living in California but visiting Europe . here I can't seem to find any good places where they offer hair systems. I have a receding hairline and would like to find a good place in the UK or Spain to get my first hair system, after that I'm pretty sure I can do the maintenance myself, but I'm indecisive about this two places..
The first one is hair4all they have many photos and videos with close ups of the hairline and they recommend a custom made system but their prices are kinda high The second one is hair solutions in Madrid .
They have very good prices and also many videos of nice transformations. Would the hair system have the same quality on both places? I would like to know your opinions or experiences. Thank you!


Senior Member
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Hi Abiel

There is a certain irony about a guy from California, spiritual home of the male hairpiece, looking for a hair system in Europe LOL.

I haven't tried either of these places, so this is an entirely non-scientific reply, but since you haven't had any other takers I will give it anyway. I have spoken to a couple of guys who have tried Hair4All. The results looked good to me, and they were happy with the look, but they didn't get much after-sales support, so it was hard for them to get up the learning curve. One of the guys gave up on the system, even though it looked good and he was very keen to escape his baldness, but he found it difficult to cope with the maintenance. It seemed to me Hair4All fell between two stools, at least in that case - they aren't set up to do everything for their customers like Hair Club, but they weren't providing enough back-up and information to allow a newbie to be wholly self-reliant either.

Hair Solutions I know nothing about at all, except what I have seen on their website, which looks very impressive.

If it were me, I would choose Hair Solutions, but I don't think either of them would be a bad choice in the context of the hair replacement industry. Good luck with whatever decision you make.



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There is a recent review of hair4all either on here or hairrestoration - and its not good.

I am in the UK and use a different service.

I cant comment on Hair Solutions - maybe under their videos are comments.