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hey college, what about when the guy can't get it up anymore? then it won't matter what size he is.

personality is the big one.


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JayMan, do you think your fiance would leave you or postpone the marriage if you could not get it up anymore?

And what percentage of men can't get it up between the ages of 40 and 55? Just curious for other reasons. And with the help of v****?

Hey, not that I still feel like arguing, but how many relationships have you been through where you were with a pretty woman and went from a Norwood 0 or 1.5 up two norwoods on the scale, and the woman did not leave you even though she still looked as good as before and you had not put on any muscle? I guess that is a better group question.


collegechemistrystudent said:
Hey, not that I still feel like arguing, but how many relationships have you been through where you were with a pretty woman and went from a Norwood 0 or 1.5 up two norwoods on the scale, and the woman did not leave you even though she still looked as good as before and you had not put on any muscle? I guess that is a better group question.

How can I answer that when you said I'm a Norwood 1? Chances are I was Norwood 1 when I met my current gf and had no hair loss in relationships before that?


IBM said:
JayMan said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
Say the two people are married. If the guy is NW1 when they're married, and nothing else changes except for the guy progressing to NW4. In most cases she will not leave him just for that.

So the rule is marry when you're still a NW1.

The Norwood is irrelevant. If someone enters into a serious relationship or marriage with you at a certain stage, and your hair loss worsens during the relationship, I really don't think most girls will leave you just for that. They may leave you because you obsess about it but thats not their fault. If you just go on with life then most won't really care, because most women don't fall in love with you for your hair.


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JayMan said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
and professors are not lowly. even in the extremely cheap town I live in they make between 50 and 75k to start, depending on their discipline. women are more likely to discriminate against guys don't have a car than guys who don't own a yaught. rich women don't car if a guy does not own a yaught. they probably like it because they can use their money to get a better looking guy. then they will boast that they are not shallow because they did not go for a rich guy.

have you heard of marginal utility, from economics? the more you have of something, the less each additional unit is worth to you? well someone's income and how good they look will affect who they will pick from the people with the combo of attractive characteristics they can get.

a very poor pretty woman might take a middle income 9 over a poor 10, but she won't take a millionair 8 over a middle income 9. since men have more money than women on average, men tend to care less about a woman's money and more about her looks. and in bed, looks are not everything. so is size, which is why women might go for a slightly worse looking taller guy over a good looking short guy. women can appear less shallow because they don't appear at first to match up with their boyfriend, but they do. they just have 3 superficial desires to balance instead of 1.

Ok, I'm an economics major. And i can tell you that you cannot apply the theory of marginal utility to women and relationships, because they are not constants and there are too many outside variables that cannot be contained.

sounds more like law of diminishing return to me.. haha


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your right jayman. Women are people, not equations. That is why economists should not use economics rules to predict what prices people will demand, since these people are living, breathing, human beings, and do not conform to equations. I hope you did not waste any of your time taking economics since all the theories in there are just dumb attempts at predicting how people will spend there money.


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I don't see why people are so bothered. Hair is a very minor cosmetic factor, I don't think women care less. Most men who have trouble with women could improve their chances of meeting someone simplly be learning to be more confident and work on things like how they walk and talk. This helps 10 times more than improving your hairline.


collegechemistrystudent said:
I hope you did not waste any of your time taking economics since all the theories in there are just dumb attempts at predicting how people will spend there money.

No, that's not true at all. I have taken a lot of economics classes- it is my major. Economics is one of the few majors that can be applied every day of your life. When you wake up and decide to go out with friends instead of cleaning your room, that's opportunity cost right there. When you buy a branded mouthwash instead of the cheaper generic with identical ingredients, that's acting irrationally. The converse for that situation is true as well. These are just a couple of examples of why I love economics.


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I was thinking of this thread while I was at dinner on Friday night. Why you ask? Sitting at the table next to me was a super hot woman (8.5 our of 10), and on her arm was a NW6. He had shaved his head, but you could definitely tell he had no hair on top.

They weren't married since they had no rings and from the degree of his baldness, I'd assume that she hadn't been with him long enough for him to have ever had long locks. Plus, he wasn't that good looking to begin with, but from watching them interact, she thought he was a very interesting/funny guy. (I still think if I weren't married, I could have walked over and gotten her number though). :)

So to all that are down on themselves, quit your whining. Mabye your lack of women is due to no self confidence. All these posts about fat women not liking bald men & women on dating sites not liking bald men are bull sh*t. Think of the women on those sites, either they're 16 and don't know anything, or they're fat and ugly. Superficial women with no brains find themselves alone and on the internet on Friday nights posting about how they don't like bald guys...

Real women, like the one on the bald guys arm at dinner on Friday night, don't care about hair on your head. If you're good looking, have a good personality & don't live with your parents at age 30, you'll do just fine with the women no matter if you're a NW7.


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In fact, I hate these "I suck because I'm a NW2, NW3, NW10000" posts so much that I usually never read them. Maybe your treatments aren't working because you don't think they will. Maybe you have no girlfriend because you think you're ugly. Maybe you got passed over for promotion because everyone else can see that you have 0.00 self confidence.

Summed up: If you think you're a piece of sh*t, then that's what everyone else will see you as.

Grown men whining about how no one likes them...When did we all decide to be hormonal 13 year old girls? Grow a pair and man up.


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Damn strait Harie. We project what we feel inside. If one let hairloss turn them into narcistic, selfloathing, will show, one may not think so , but it does. No woman wants to be with someone like that.


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Without hair, females see right through us as potential mates...however, balding is socially acceptable so it really isnt THAT big of a deal


You know, everyone on this board is better off than I was at your age. (Most of you seem to be around 20, when impending baldness is a real horror.) Well, at 20, I was practically able to bring in jets at night for landing, that's how shiny my dome was. But I also had to deal with the fact that I was gay. Such fun. Such joy. Believe me, gay men are brutal when it comes to physical appearance. By 22, when a hot male, with gorgeous hair, made eye contact with me, I had already faced the hard truth(parden the pun!) that he was a hustler, and that it was time to change my name to JOHN! It bit to the tune of big time! The ony upside was that young, hot guys would try to get my attention. Downside: I was only a $. But that's life. But there are alot of women that find baldness to be a sign of virility, potency, and just plain hot sex! Don't despair, straight men! I am now fine with being bald and gay. Being tanned and in shape helps, but I think my early"bald" life would have been easier as a straight dude. [/b]