finasteride User Since 2005 Checking In (success Story)


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Hello again! I happen to see one of those "hairloss treatment horror" blogs today and it made me think of you guys. I have been taking finasteride for nearly 15 years now consistently(minnox also albeit less consistently) and my hair today is something to behold! In this time my brother who is 10 years younger than me has become completely bald... if that means anything to anybody? I am probably not even a nw2 anymore at this point which is where I believe I started. I experience no side effects. Hair loss treatment and the information I found on this discussion forum all those years ago were game changing for me perhaps even life saving. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I had simply let myself go so early on. To those who are considering hair treatment but are scared by the stories that are floating around the internet, don't believe the hype! I encourage you to consider carefully what the impact on your life will be if you become bald. Thank you forum!

My regimen: 1/3 finasteride 3xa week (or so) minnox foam 1-2x a day (with random few month break here and there)


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I started taking minoxidil 3years ago
But it lost effectiveness
But now for 2 mounth i started finpecia(finastride)
But i didn’t see anything and still my hairloss is continoued.and my hair retreat too much from both edges.
I use exacly from minoxidil and my hair is alaways clean.
I’m22 and i should say i’m desperated.