Finasteride Timeline


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I noticed that you don't have much topics on the boards on here...

& the ones i find on the internet or all dated back from 2010 or ...
and I think a lot of people on the forums would find it easier, to read from expierenced users that have been on the drug for quite some time now.

So my questions goes as followed :

How did your body/head/hairs responded to finasteride?
Did you expierenced scheddings before getting better? If so how long or how much hair did you lose?
How long did it take before you saw actual hairgrowth?
How long have you been on finasteride?
Do you combine finasteride with topicals such as Minoxidil or Nizoral

So sorry for the English ;-)
hope everyone understands it héhé but it isn't my main language.

hope to get some responds to this.

I will be posting as well since I have been on finstasteride for 1 year now.


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I haven't been on the drug for 5 years+ like some users but have been on finasteride 1mg/day for 8 months now. I went through a minor shed when i started finasteride and was still losing hair for the first 6 months. Just recently my hairloss has slowed down a lot, so that's good news. For the first 7 months, I honestly believed I was a non-responder to the drug, but I guess it just takes a while for some people. My body hair and facial hair don't seem to be affected, although my facial hair has seemed to thicken, but it could be because I am getting older and only 21 years old. I still haven't seen any regrowth yet, but there are some shorter thicker hairs on the edge of my hairline which I'm not sure if that is regrowth or not. I used Nizoral 1% twice a week for the first 3 months on finasteride and it made my hair thinner and stopped using it.


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I've been on it for a year and half. i didnt get a massive shed from when i started it. i think at this point, its just really maintaining what i had when i started, and maybe slowed down the hairless. i didnt get any great regrowth from it like it can for some ppl. i also didnt benefit from the syngergistic effect its suppose to have with minoxidil (been using minoxidil for the last 5 years; added finasteride when the minoxidil stopped working, and the minoxidil worked great for 3 years)