Finasteride Since End Of February 2016


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As the title says, I am using Finasteride since around 24th of February 2016.
I have been using 1mg every day until approximately August and have switched to 0,5mg every day due to side effects.

I've been to several dermatologists and all confirmed it is androgenic alopecia. Even though no one could explain to me why the hair behind my ears is significantly receding. Same goes for my neck, hairline is receding there too. (I always thought these areas were immune to dht?)
I might put up some pictures of my receding neck hairline in the evening.
Although im convinced I have male pattern baldness, maybe I have some additional problems with my hair. Who knows.

I have not had any issues with libido or anything related.
The only thing that affected me too much is the lack of being able to concentrate and I'm f*****g tired. Waking up in the morning seems nearly impossible. Throughout the day I feel like a walking zombie.
Sides got a bit better upon switching to 0,5mg but are still present.

Effects on my hair
After the first 2-3 months I noticed that when I wash my hair or comb through it, I almost had no hairs in my comb - so I was really overjoyed. Since seeing hundreds of hairs in my shower was normal to me and I didnt have to vacuum my bathroom after blowdrying my hair.
Starting at around month 5 or 6 I noticed a few hairs falling out again - but it didnt really bother me because it was less than before starting finasteride.

After around 7 1/2 months im shedding like crazy now, even really thick hair. My overall status got worse and I'm hoping for my shed to stop. I've never ever had that much hair loss and all the thick hairs bother me the most. My hair loss has never looked like this.

So I'm not really sure if this shed is due to the switch of 0,5mg and the dose is just to low for me, or it is just something that indicates finasteride is working and thicker hair will regrow... Do you think I should go back to 1mg? Not sure if I can take the drowsiness though.

Sorry for my poor english. I hope this is readable.


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Picture of my neck area thinning out. These were falling out way before finasteride too. Didnt worsen nor did it get better during finasteride.


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It's weird you are shedding in the neck area. Maybe post some more pictures of your previous/current hair situation.


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You have what is called Retrograde Alopecia, which means that DHT effects the sides and nape which are normally impenetrable. There are some other folks on here with it as well.


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It's weird you are shedding in the neck area. Maybe post some more pictures of your previous/current hair situation.

I'm not really shedding in the neck area. The hair I lose in the neck is actually unchanged from propecia, its a rather slow process but it started early for me. The shedding that I notice now is mostly the top of my head and the front hairline.

As for pictures, I can see if I find some. The pictures I took arent really good though. Bad quality, always different lightning and my hair was cut down to 3mm.

But yeah as Sokubo said, I'm probably fucked and my neck area will also be munched by my dht :(


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Do the sides & neck also itch? I thought they call it Diffused Unpatterened Alopecia (DUPA) what you have. And as far as I know there's no cure for that.


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Mhm couldn't that be a combination of two hairloss types. Maybe you need a real hair specialist.

Finasteride on 0,5mg is surely a good choice for the hair.


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Yeah, I keep on using 0,5mg finasteride as I dont really feel anything besides being tired.
Although thats really a pain in the ***.

Never heard of Diffused Unpatterened Alopecia (DUPA) and I dont have any itching in the neck area. Never had, it just started falling out at some point when i was 16~17 years. And if there is no cure, and finasterid is also not helping then rip me

Frank K.

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I haven't experienced this, the improvements have been slow but they are showing. I haven't heard of it working then stopping like this before.


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Do you have thinning eyebrows. What was shedding rate before finasteride.
Check your Thyroid, Irone. I wouldnt go to 1mg, 0.5mg is enough. And you can also stop finasteride (maybe 2 weeks) and check your shedding.

finasteride and shedding can also mean regrowth. Therefore I would wait min 1 year.


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Do you have thinning eyebrows. What was shedding rate before finasteride.
Check your Thyroid, Irone. I wouldnt go to 1mg, 0.5mg is enough. And you can also stop finasteride (maybe 2 weeks) and check your shedding.

finasteride and shedding can also mean regrowth. Therefore I would wait min 1 year.
Why iron and thyroid? My hair started shedding again after 4 months on it


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Do you have thinning eyebrows. What was shedding rate before finasteride.
Check your Thyroid, Irone. I wouldnt go to 1mg, 0.5mg is enough. And you can also stop finasteride (maybe 2 weeks) and check your shedding.

finasteride and shedding can also mean regrowth. Therefore I would wait min 1 year.

I'm definitely going to stick with it for atleast 1 year and a couple of months.

As of now, I can definitely see my front going back way faster than before treatment. My hairloss hasnt been this aggressive before starting finastride.

My thyroid has been tested a few years back, as well as Iron and they were "okay" as my doctor has said and diagnosed me with male pattern baldness.
My eyebrows are thinning out overall but more to the side of my eyebrows, like... the last 1/3 of it, if you know what i mean.
I asked my Doctor about this too and he said this is also due to the genetic hairloss or w/e


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Month 10: Still shedding a fuckton.
Maybe I should stop.

There was nothing wrong with my thyroid / iron levels after getting it checked.


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I'm in the same boat as you... started March 1st, 2016.
No improvement at all, just shedding on my temples. I'm also contemplating quitting and giving up..... but part of me is still looking for hope


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Im still taking finasteride everyday. Shedding has decreased a bit, but still no signs of maintaining or regrowth. Overall density seems to decrease slowly, but my hairline is getting eaten up pretty fast.... Wont stop for the next 6 month definitely, so I will have used finasteride for 1 1/2 years in total at least.
The biggest problem I have with finasteride right now is, that I get a very bad scalp condition, dry, itchy, flaky,... yet my hair becomes oily fast. It has been like that ever since. The feeling of being drowsy or fatigued has kinda vanished, or I'm used to it now. I wonder how I would feel if i dropped fina now :D


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Also alot more belly fat despite not changing any eating habits, so I'm going to start hitting the gym soon.


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I can feel you man.

I used it 8 months and It did nothing beside that I got belly fat and decrease in libido and hardness (thank you god).
Its not even the thing that we have male pattern baldness, the only treatment available doesnt do anything.

Had a "break" of 5-6 month with ru and lower dosages or topical but it got even worse.

Now I am back in month 2 and I just hope it will kick in some day. Imo waiting for 12-18 month should be enough.


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Still on Finasteride, the shedding has not changed at all, especially the front. Somehow it does not affect my overall status (e.g. crown, back,...) but only the front, thats why I have started peppermint oil + minoxidil since last time i posted. I'm confused because I still shed a shitton, but im actually growing in some hair at the front, where it was completely bald since before treatment. Or maybe its just the hair coming back that I shed? Dunno.

I could take pictures of my front if anyone is interested.
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Still on Finasteride, the shedding has not changed at all, especially the front. Somehow it does not affect my overall status (e.g. crown, back,...) but only the front, thats why I have started peppermint oil + minoxidil since last time i posted. I'm confused because I still shed a shitton, but im actually growing in some hair at the front, where it was completely bald since before treatment. Or maybe its just the hair coming back that I shed? Dunno.

I could take pictures of my front if anyone is interested.

what happened?