Finasteride Sides Or Mental Sides When You Start

Jesse Wilson

My Regimen
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When I first started finasteride I had some minor sides, but I don't know if they were from finasteride or all mental.

Here is an experiment you can do to help determine if you have mental (placebo effect) sides or sides from finasteride.

Arrange 14 mouthwash cups each labeled 1 through 14 and fill them with an aspirin of similar size to the finasteride pill. Have a friend replace any of the cups above his or her secret chosen number with the real pills and place the cups in a tall place so you can't look down into them when you pick them. Starting with the pill in the cup labeled "1," you close your eyes and without feeling the pill with your tongue, immediately swallow the pill. Document your feelings each day and at the end of 2 weeks ask your friend to tell you what day you started the real pills. Based on your documentation see if you felt any side effects that correlate to the day you started the real pill. Make sure you account for lack of sleep and other factors that could affect your feelings. You can stop early if you feel side effects; you will also know if they are placebo side effects or not.