finasteride sides .5 pill


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I took a .5 pill of finasteride last night before sleep and this morning I had a very dull wood for maybe 30 seconds (edit-actually now that I think about it this was a dumb estimation, I had wood for maybe 1 second it wasn't even complete yet before it started going down). Compared to constant and random erections I get throughout the day I am now getting none. I also feel a type of irritation in the whole area like something is happening but I cant put my finger to it. I work out regularly so before that one pill I had a very high libido so I can tell 100% that something is different.

What should I do? I know if I stay off it, everything will come back to normal I because I only took a .5 pill. I dont know if I should continue or not, seeing that sides have affected me so fast. Will it go back to normal if i keep taking it?

Also I have a 5mg pill I am cutting 10 ways. Its very hard to be accurate so some are a little big bigger than others etc.

please help


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timez said:
I took a .5 pill of finasteride last night before sleep and this morning I had a very dull wood for maybe 30 seconds.

i'm strongly against finasteride but i bet that ur case is 100% not fina related

if u don't take any other pill u will be perfectly functional

if u decided to continue fina therapy, it's a risk, but it's up to u
in that case, get now a complete blood test and spermiogram and do it again 1 year later.
U will have a solid comparative base if something goes wrong


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hey Propecia

why do you think my case is not 100% finasteride related? This feeling Im getting in my parts, I never got it before. Its like testicular irritation.


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finasteride is a flat dose, which means regardless of how much of it you take, the drug will still have the same effects on the body. I realize it's a counter-intuitive concept, as it's rational to think the less of a drug you take, the less the effects of it will be. But that's just not the case with finasteride. I took a 1/8 dosage each day over the course of four days in late December, and my testosterone levels dropped well over one hundred points. Over three months later, I've seen some improvements, but I'm still not back to 100 percent. Some people are just very sensitive to finasteride: I'm one of those people, and you seem to be, too. It's your decision, but put in your place with what I know now, I'd get off finasteride immediately. Losing your hair sucks; there's no doubt about that. But there are more important things. And your long-term health, sexual and otherwise, is one of those things.


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hey clamp thanks for the reply

Are you sure less finasteride doesnt = less side effects? I have ready 100s of posts and threads and people always say lower your dose. And many people also report that when they lowered their dose the side effects they were having were gone.


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timez said:
hey Propecia

why do you think my case is not 100% finasteride related? This feeling Im getting in my parts, I never got it before. Its like testicular irritation.

i think only that is not easy to get sides so fast with only 0.5 mg ...

maybe some people is really sensitive to fina, but imao not at this level

1) if is not finasteride related:taking finasteride the anxiety of developing sides create the sides
2) if is finasteride related: taking finasteride create the sides

in both case is better choose alternative treatment or if u made ur choice, try lowering the dose
(this doesn't mean that u avoid possible long term sides)


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I'm not pretending to be an expert on the subject, but I've had multiple medical professionals explain to me the concept of a flat dose, and how finasteride fits into that category. finasteride is a flat dose; that's indisputable. Is it possible, however, that taking a lower dose could reduce sides? I don't know, but doctors have explained to me that low dose or high dose, it doesn't really matter -- the effects will be the same. Maybe some people do have luck with reducing side effects by reducing the dose, but it's my non-professional opinion that if you're experiencing side effects after having only taken half of a pill for one day, then you're pretty sensitive to the drug, and no amount of dose reduction is going to change that.


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Thanks for the info man really appreciate it. I was also wondering though how many people claim that in the beginning they get sides but after a week or so of usage the sides go away. I have the exact same feeling as you state that I am very sensitive to the drug but is this normal? Is it supposed to be like this for a week or so? Because I have read that sides has gone away after a week or so for a few people.


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finfighter said:
Your T levels did? What about your DHT? How old are you?
I don't want to pull this thread away from timez, plus I'm about to post a thread of my own detailing my progress, but to answer your questions:

Yeah, my total testosterone levels were 581 ng/dl in 2006, the year of my last blood test pre-finasteride. In 2011, just a few weeks after taking the drug for four days, they were down to 440; as of a few weeks ago, about two-and-a-half months after the previous blood tests, levels are up to 560. (I never had free testosterone levels taken pre-finasteride, but after taking finasteride they were at 11.1; as of a few weeks ago they're at 11.3.) DHT was never taken pre-finasteride, but a few weeks after stopping levels were at 30; as of the last blood test, they're at 50. I'm twenty-seven and have always been in fine health otherwise.

timez said:
I was also wondering though how many people claim that in the beginning they get sides but after a week or so of usage the sides go away. I have the exact same feeling as you state that I am very sensitive to the drug but is this normal? Is it supposed to be like this for a week or so? Because I have read that sides has gone away after a week or so for a few people.

Again, I'm not trying to claim to be an expert; there are others on the board who can speak with more authority about this topic than I can -- but, sure, the most serious side effects (prostate soreness, testicle ache, complete loss of libido) will probably fade in perhaps a week or so. The problem, however, as I understand it, is that the most serious of the side effects are a consequence of your body's hormones re-adjusting -- i.e. testosterone falling and estrogen rising, among other changes. Only when your hormones settle in to new levels will the most serious of the effects probably go away. The problem is, of course, that your hormones have adjusted, and your testosterone will likely have lowered, causing lessened libido and even possibly erection problems. This will be your "new normal," so to speak. It probably won't be as bad as your first week on finasteride, but there will likely still be problems of varying degrees.

With all of this said, if you do still decide to take finasteride, my advise would be to stop temporarily until you're back to normal and go get a blood test taken. I really can't advise this enough. That way, if and when you decide to resume taking finasteride and you have problems, a doctor can have a reference of what your natural blood levels are and can treat you accordingly. Without a test, unless your hormones are out of normal range, there's not much a doctor is going to be able to do. I realize when you're losing your hair there's an urgency to want to address the problem of hair loss right away (trust me, I've been there), but really, the most prudent and smart thing to do is to wait on getting a test done. Chances are, your hair loss won't get much worse between now and your appointment.

Anyway, others on this board have suggested getting the following levels taken:

Total testosterone
Free Testosterone
Bind. Glob

Other users like Enden could probably better explain why these levels are the most important. If I were you, I'd get these taken and urge your endocrinologist to test any other levels he/she feels appropriate.


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Good advice clamp. I'm going to stay off of it for a bit and think about what to do next (taking your advice in consideration greatly). My health and libido is more important than my hair any day. What do you guys think about this "propecia transition theory"?


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Here is my story:-
I took finasteride last year 0.5 mg for 14 days..I saw hairloss completely stopped but saw sides (ED) and stopped it. After 3 months, I was back to normal. I again tried 0.01 mg 4 days back and just in 1-2 hrs I saw sides (loss of erection-lower as compared to previous attempt) and hair loss completely stopped. My aim was to have 0.01 mg once a week but I have stopped it for now and waiting for getting things back to normal. I may lower it to 0.001 mg. Also, I am looking for other options since I definitely dont want finasteride as a long term solution for me. Other options- RU or CB0301(not sure).Is there any other options(other than finasteride or dutasteride) you guys wanna suggest?

why 0.01 mg?- I saw some of the clinical reports which mentioned finasteride drug trial.The effect of this drug is flat for "most" of the doses (i.e say 0.5 mg or 1 mg or 0.25 mg) but at 0.01 mg the effect is around 19% reduction of DHT.


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That's incredible so I guess this proves again that no matter how much you take the side effects if they are to happen are flat like clam said.

How did you manage to cut the pill .1mg? Or even .001 mg? Lol I struggle to cut it to .5mg!


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Converted it into powder and then it was possible to get approximate amount.

I saw that with a smaller amount (as I have mentioned), the side effects were less. I guess sides would go away faster (not sure right now but will keep posted).