Finasteride: Should I take it?


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Hi guys! This is the first time I post here and this also my first thread. So I've been reading a lot about Finasteride and it gives me hope. The sides and the horrifying stories about hormonal imbalance scare me to death though. I'm 27 and an Asian. I went to a derm yesterday and asked for a prescription of Finasteride but she refused. She warned me against the side effects like Losing sexual drive, libido, depression which may lead to suicidal tendencies and also liver cirrhosis :shakehead:. She also told me that I am too young to take finasteride and if I'm planning to have a family I should stay away from it. She advised me to try topicals first and that she only prescribes finasteride when all options have been already exhausted and as a last resort. I insisted but she didn't fold and told me to find another derm that would be willing to prescribe it to me. I need your thoughts guys. :sad:


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My 1st attempt to get a prescription for Finasteride the Dermatologist said no and warned me about all the bad side effects on younger guys. I decided to go see another Derm and got my prescription have been on it over a month without any side effects and have noticed I'm shedding less tiny hairs and seeing some small hairs come in where there wasn't any before. If I was you I'd give it try, worse case you get off of it and should go back to normal.


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My 1st attempt to get a prescription for Finasteride the Dermatologist said no and warned me about all the bad side effects on younger guys. I decided to go see another Derm and got my prescription have been on it over a month without any side effects and have noticed I'm shedding less tiny hairs and seeing some small hairs come in where there wasn't any before. If I was you I'd give it try, worse case you get off of it and should go back to normal.

Thanks for replying! I am really worried about brain fog, depression and forgetfulness and afraid that they might affect my work. On second thoughts, my work is already affected by my hair loss with confidence taking the most hits. The sexual side effects don't worry me that much since I don't have any plans on having a family of my own though.


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I am about to start taking finasteride within the next 7 days, and I have been reading about hairloss and treatments extensively for the past 6 months. Finasteride is your overall best method of tackling male pattern baldness and hair loss. If your doctor won't prescribe you finasteride then go see another doctor who will. It also depends on how bad your current hair situation is, if you have aggressive male pattern baldness then minoxidil/rogaine won't do much for you. The side effects only effect a small percent of the whole user base and most people get good results without any side effects. If you could post some pictures of your current hair and pictures in the past 3 years, then it would be a lot easier for people on this forum to give you advice on your current situation.


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I'm also using Minoxidil and haven't experienced increase initial shedding. I'm so glad I started treatments, before I was constantly checking the mirror. My mind is more at peace now that I'm doing what I can to treat hair loss. Hope things work out for you!


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I'm also using Minoxidil and haven't experienced increase initial shedding. I'm so glad I started treatments, before I was constantly checking the mirror. My mind is more at peace now that I'm doing what I can to treat hair loss. Hope things work out for you!

How long have you been on finasteride? Did you experience shedding? What brand are you using?


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I've been taking it for 32 days now. I'm using generic finasteride, I get it at the Walmart pharmacy. I'm shedding a lot less now, before my sink, pillow and floor was covered with hair and it seemed I had to clean it daily to keep my roommates from complaining. Now I haven't had to so maybe the finasteride is already kicking in. You can check out my thread if you want to keep up on my progress.


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I've been taking it for 32 days now. I'm using generic finasteride, I get it at the Walmart pharmacy. I'm shedding a lot less now, before my sink, pillow and floor was covered with hair and it seemed I had to clean it daily to keep my roommates from complaining. Now I haven't had to so maybe the finasteride is already kicking in. You can check out my thread if you want to keep up on my progress.

What made you decide to take it despite scary stories? A Link me to your thread please


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If I had the choice to take it when I was your age, I would jump on finasteride in a heartbeat. The decisions is ultimately yours to make. Sides can happen. I believe the chances are small, but some will say the opposite. Educate yourself on facts not garbage information from the internet and make your decision.


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The problem I have right now is to find a derm that is willing to prescribe me finasteride. And about the sides I have been reading too much about erectile dysfunction to the point that I didn't have a morning wood when I woke up today. Sometime it's all in our minds I guess


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The problem I have right now is to find a derm that is willing to prescribe me finasteride. And about the sides I have been reading too much about erectile dysfunction to the point that I didn't have a morning wood when I woke up today. Sometime it's all in our minds I guess

Call different derms or dr's and ask before making an appointment if they prescribe finasteride for the treatment of hair loss.


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Call different derms or dr's and ask before making an appointment if they prescribe finasteride for the treatment of hair loss.

yeah because the doctor I went to didn't prescribe but still charged me for consultation fees. She was talking about suicidal tendencies due to depression and liver cirrhosis. Are there any reported incidents about those?