Finasteride regrowth???


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Sup chooms!! :D

I'm 5.5 months on finasteride right now and:

1. Got zero sides
2. My sheding was maybe a little more the first 1-2 months and some days at the 4.5 month mark. But in general is way less than before treatments.
3. I've seen no improvements in hairline or thickness, more or less same hair.

But there's something strange I'm feeling las days and It's a lot of SHORT HARD hairs that I can touch on my scalp. It's like the feeling of buzzed hair on head sides, those short and strong healthy hairs. They feel the same and there's hundreds of them, all the same lenght 0.5-1.5cm

¿Is it normal hairs growing? ¿Is regrowth? ¿Are they so thick and spiky cause they are healthier??

It makes sense that it could be regrowth since most people notice the start of visual improvements after 6-8months and continue improving till the 2year mark...

If they grow normally, they will reach my normal hair lenght in 2 months

Let's see your opinion and if you had some similar experience!


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My experience with finasteride is that it will regrow some hairs that are so fine/diminished that they're barely visible. When I first started, I had experienced similar regrowth. Areas that had appeared completely bald to the naked eye started sprouting tiny little, stubble like hairs. Those hairs would fall out and the next one would be fuller and thicker. Eventually I achieved a bit of increased coverage in those areas. It took a year to be apparent to anyone but me, but I could see the germ of it by about six months in.

This is definitely a good sign for your progress. Keep up the regimen.


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My experience with finasteride is that it will regrow some hairs that are so fine/diminished that they're barely visible. When I first started, I had experienced similar regrowth. Areas that had appeared completely bald to the naked eye started sprouting tiny little, stubble like hairs. Those hairs would fall out and the next one would be fuller and thicker. Eventually I achieved a bit of increased coverage in those areas. It took a year to be apparent to anyone but me, but I could see the germ of it by about six months in.

This is definitely a good sign for your progress. Keep up the regimen.
This is really interesting. I am 3 months in with the regiment now and I am seeing exactly what you said. I have a bunch of really thin hairs that are growing visibly longer. It was just a small portion of coverage for you? I am hoping for more ideally.