finasteride only stops frontal baldness in 50% of ptatients?


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I was reading a study yesterday that stated that finasteride only halted progress in something like 50% of patients. a hair transplant surgeon told me that it only worked in 20% of patients.

What should I make of this? I've got frontal recession, which i always hoped that finasteride would keep at bay (I've been on for 3 yrs and I think things are good).

I'm not to fussed aboput improvement, I just want to keep what I have.


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3 years and its done fine for you in halting your loss?

Sounds like that is the only "study" that should matter to you...


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gotta agree with killbill here man, sounds to me as if you've got it good and even if this study is correct then your in the lucky 50 or 20 percent of the ppl that it does halt frontal recession for, so this study should really mean nothing to you as is the finasteride is obviously working for you which is all that matters.


jbob said:
I was reading a study yesterday that stated that finasteride only halted progress in something like 50% of patients. a hair transplant surgeon told me that it only worked in 20% of patients.

Now, what might be the reason for a hair transplant surgeon to make that claim??? :roll:

finasteride has stopped my hairline recession since about 6 months, it is just the rest of my head which is getting thinner and thinner.


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Taugenichts said:
jbob said:
I was reading a study yesterday that stated that finasteride only halted progress in something like 50% of patients. a hair transplant surgeon told me that it only worked in 20% of patients.

Now, what might be the reason for a hair transplant surgeon to make that claim??? :roll:

finasteride has stopped my hairline recession since about 6 months, it is just the rest of my head which is getting thinner and thinner.

dood your hairline was intact from the pics you posted half a yr ago...


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yeah, part of me is thinking that I AM in the lucky group if those figures are true. But, part of me wonders if maybe there is still some thinning happening slowly that I'm not aware of yet, but may begin to notice in say a year. These are just my paranoid musings.

Also, as much as I think everything has halted, I didn't take photos 3 years ago. so I have no objective way of checking. Its just my opinion. I have corrected this and will be able to check from here on in.


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finasteride improved a little on my hairline. But on top its getting more thinner though less agressively. I think i'll change to dutasteride in three months.


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tembo said:
IBM, did the minoxidil help much?

I had good results in first two months with Minoxidil only. The hair became more thicker and healthy but then the hair started to fall so i decided to take finasteride.

I think i would be with less hair with minoxidil only.