finasteride+nizoral+minoxidil vs. finasteride+nizoral+Tricomin?


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Hey guys!

I'm new to the forum (though I've been lurking here for about a year, gathering information.)! I've been using Propecia & Nizoral shampoo (see regimen below) for almost a year now and have had good results at maintaining my existing hair. I was hoping to see some additional regrowth (though I realize that's not finasteride's main purpose), so I'm thinking about stepping up my routine by adding a growth stimulant. To clarify...I'm a diffuse thinner and am on the lower end of the Norwood Scale (about a 2). I don't have any noticeable bald patches, but my hair is still thinner than I'd like. If anyone is using/has used these compound regimens, I'd REALLY appreciate your insights (pros, cons, etc.) Thanks in advance! :punk:



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Minoxidil would be the best choice as a growth stimulant I reckon, or you could look in to Proxy-N.

Alternatively, there are concealers that could give you that extra thickness. Look up Nanogen or Kerasome.


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nizoral actually grows more hair than 2% minoxidil in a period of 2 years according to one study I have read. P-O actually thickens up more hair than nizoral, so it could be a good choice to do a combo of those.

You could even add nano conditioner(got to condition right?! :) ) to get the sod effect and some others effects that are proven in studies.

Prox-n contain PPG(what you find in minoxidil liquid) if I remember correct, in the original 2% minoxidil study, they found that PPG was responsible of half the growth. Prox-n attacks hair loss in more ways that tricomin. the 2month dose of prox-n last you 6months with ED use.

But 5% minoxidil grows some hair, if your lucky, so it wouldnt be a waste to use. But it's a hassle to use.

Congratulations on keeping your hair!


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Thank you for the feedback, guys! Basically, what I'm hoping to achieve is to regrow some of the hair that I've lost (which really isn't that much). I feel lucky because I caught my hair loss at an early stage. By all outward appearances, I still have a full head of hair, but it's baby-fine on top with a very slight recession at the hairline. I'm very grateful for the progress that I've made, but I'd feel better knowing that I'm doing everything possible to keep/regrow my hair.

I'd like to add something that's both clinically proven (obviously) and has a good track record with the forum members here...and isn't a huge hassle to use. This is why I've hesitated to hop on the 'Rogaine Train', although I've heard the 5% foam isn't too bad to use. So, I'm kind of on the fence here.....IDK. :dunno:
