Finasteride New Starter And My Experience


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I've posted once on the discussion section 7 months ago asking if only minoxidil will help me recover from my status.

My story:-
I've used to have a "wild long hair" as described by my friends till I was 18 when I went to cut it all off and the barber said that I need something to straighten my hair follicles or I'll go bald (I was heavily abusing the use of straightener, wax, and caps wearing). That time I didn't understand what he meant and I just panicked hard. For someone like me, my hair was my number one trait that attracted girls my age to me. It started getting worse as I diffused thinned.

Anyway, I changed the barber and went back to my original one who told me to try natural oils which didn't work. he told me to get on minoxidil (I didn't know what's that exactly) for 6 months and see the results. of course, Minoxidil made wonders and fixed my balding issues that time (I was 19 if I remember correctly). I didn't know that minoxidil is a lifelong commitment, so when I quit it I started balding even harder. Not knowing the reason, I started minoxidil again. During that time, I told myself to "screw it, I need to visit a dermatologist". that guy was a prick..he told me to get off Minoxidil as it'll increase my acne (yea, I had severe acne..kinda) and he prescribe zinc + multi-vitamins capsules. 1 month later, I regrow my hairline and I thought it was due to the vitamins "I was using minoxidil for months, that's why I probably grew that much hair" but since I cut minoxidil off, I started thinning even more till I was 80-85% diffuse thinner?
I thought my hairloss was due to my food (chocolates and meat mostly). I changed the dermatologist anyway.

This one prescribed capsules that have "VIT.B1+L-CYSTINE+KERATIN+CA PANTOTHENATE" and said that I must take biotin + bepanthene direct injection to my scalp once each 2-3 weeks. It was a pain in the *** but I completed about 6 months on them with no results..mainly vellus hair only growing and falling.

This time, I made some researches about the big 3 and eventually visited a well-known dermatologist in my country. He's really nice and so well-educated. I told him my problem from A-Z and he was supposed to cure my acne + my hair. He said that I should start minoxidil this time "lifelong commitment" and I told him that I know about finasteride, he told me to keep going on minoxidil for now and that he'll see when I should use finasteride or if we should search for alternatives. (He prescribed finasteride to a mutual friend tho, my guess was that I told him I know about the sides..maybe he didn't want me to keep giving myself delusional thoughts).

Now, I've been on minoxidil for 7 months and the results are really amazing (so much better than when I started). I still didn't reach what I wanted, but when I posted here months ago, I was told that I will never achieve wonders without finasteride.
I am 22 now, I was so scared to try out finasteride "thanks to people bashing it hard on other forums". I look at the mirror and still not satisfied by my hair..I still look like a complete weirdo for my age till when day I told myself "man up and give that drug a try".

- 22 years old with a diffuse thinning hair.
- Not able to afford my dermatologist right now (too expensive for a visit + requires two blood-tests "one each 6 weeks" for my acne when almost healed now thanks to Accutane)
- I've an intense libido..I used to feel horny about 7 times a day? with 3-4 of them masturbating or so..
- I thought I've a high DHT in my blood (AFAIK, DHT increases your libido)
- I started Finasterie 1 mg daily before bed:-
* First day => no sides at all, full erection..still horny and good semen.
* Second day => lower libido
* Third and fourth day => consecutive testicles ache.
* Fifth day => slight pain in my dick..urethral opening I think (that small hole on your tip "Not a native English speaker, so I am not sure of the original terminology)
* Sixth to ninth day => Funny feeling at my pelvis (under stomach, above penis)'s not a pain but it feels like stretching muscles. the testicle ache minimized now, it still happens but not as painful and not frequently. just maybe when I think about it or something. I find the lowered libido to be refreshing for now since I've exams and don't want distractions and I still am able to get erections "not sure if as strong tho, I think as strong if I try harder".

I've read that these are common sides as the body is adjusting and I should just keep taking it for a month and see if these sides go off..I am not sure, I googled the testicle ache and that goes off, but I've not seen anyone catching that "funny" pelvis feeling.

Finasteride experts, I need your advice..Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long topic.