Finasteride May Age You. Study Confirmed.


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I'm one of those individuals that has been convinced that finasteride made my
Look older, particularly with regard to dark shadows under my eyes.

I've recently found the attached from a study, and wondering, what are the irreversible effects from androgen inhibition that they refer to????

It seems as though finasteride use can in fact age you. And has been used to explain PFS as early onset andropause.


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A bald head makes you look older ;-)

It's just trade-off. As long as the side effects are not too serious, I am happy to trade small amounts of my libido and other things for keeping a full head of hair.


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I strongly believe the opposite, Finasteride has probably done something with me and 100% of the friends I have who also started taking it mid-20s... We all look (much) younger..

I easily pass as a late 20, and I am 40.. Happens so often that it is a problem at work, as ppl think i am a Jr.

Go figure. Maybe because it hindered beard development, and some other facial (bone?) development??


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The role of androgens in aging is controversial. The opposite point is generally held as true by the body building community. That is, supplemental testosterone and androgen agonists like anabolic steroids are generally considered by most boys builders to be pro aging.

Here is an example thread where people are discussing how collagen synthesis may be inhibited by steroids:

Study is directly linked there.

In general there are more guys in the steroid community who will suggest androgen supplementation has made them look older than younger. I used steroids for only 4 months so not long enough to draw a clear conclusion myself, but the extra testosterone and dht very clearly made my face oilier, more inflammed, and more acne prone. This could conceivably lead to a pro aging effect over time.

Overall finasteride which reduces DHT i think may more plausibly have an antiaging effect on the skin than a pro aging one. Androgens can be hard on the skin - in terms of acne, sebum, and collagen.


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I mean are there any studies how finasteride affects collagen, bones and free radicals?


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Really fires up my finasteride soaked neurons.

Straight out of study

". In year 2011 a study by Irwig and Kolukula [18] first characterized the types and duration of persistent sexual side effects that occurred in 71 otherwise healthy men during or immediately after taking finasteride for the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. Most men developed sexual dysfunction in multiple domains with 94% experiencing low libido, 92% experiencing erectile dysfunction, 92% experiencing decreased arousal, and 69% experiencing problems with orgasm [18]."

As someone who actually had read Irwigs study. Authors of this paper are absolute imbeciles. Because in the study they quoted, men who had 92% ED had already developed side effects. Irwig basically gathered all people who had side effects assumed to be caused by Finasteride use and concluded that... they have side effects.

Now some moron of a researcher who has brain damage, probably transmitted telepathically by Finasteride is citing this study that Finasteride causes ED in 92% people who take it.

g.i joey

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Op used finasteride for 2 months. Had dark circles under eyes and now he's OCD about finasteride. Nothing to see here, as someone mentioned the more realistic outcome is looking younger considering we're halting or very minorly slowing beard growth, controlling inflammation and etc with finasteride

michel sapin

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For me this is total BS .
If you are a responder to finasteride you will look way younger . It prevent hair loss , and raise oestradiol , which make you look younger
ANd finasteride doenst cause dark circle ! this is nonsense , this is not a vasodilatator like minoxidil
Steroid user with hight test and DHT level look older .

And , minoxidil increase aging according to me and particularly dark circle


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Op used finasteride for 2 months. Had dark circles under eyes and now he's OCD about finasteride. Nothing to see here, as someone mentioned the more realistic outcome is looking younger considering we're halting or very minorly slowing beard growth, controlling inflammation and etc with finasteride

Ahaha hope you're right


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For myself, it honestly did make me look ten years older. No joke. I am not anti - finasteride at all, I actually tell people to try it. I would CONSTANTLY have comments made by old friends and family like, "you look tired" and people at the gym I hadn't seen in a while wouldn't even recognize me and say things like, "you look so different". In all fairness, I did gain some weight while on it too, but usually when I gain weight i look a lot younger. Chubby cheeks fill out my wrinkles. Anyways, I still have deep bags under my eyes which I never had before.


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I strongly believe the opposite, Finasteride has probably done something with me and 100% of the friends I have who also started taking it mid-20s... We all look (much) younger..

I easily pass as a late 20, and I am 40.. Happens so often that it is a problem at work, as ppl think i am a Jr.

Go figure. Maybe because it hindered beard development, and some other facial (bone?) development??

Same here, I got independent confirmation of this from a dermatologist I saw the first time. So skin wise, I'm not seeing an ill effects from using it for around 15+ years.
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90% chance they were all using Minoxidil. I've had the dark circles under my eyes most of this year and I only started fina a month ago, I got the dark circles when I upped my dose or minoxidil to over my entire balding scalp. I've been trying to fight them, I've done a good job till today, I got dehydrated yesterday when I decided I wanted to load creatine (long story). The first photo is from a couple months ago before I got on fina, the second is after increasing my hydration and a bunch of other stuff (and starting fina--still a while to go on the dark circles but progress is being made).


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The portion he posted has to do with decreased serum androgen levels not dark circles or anything on the skin, to quote POTUS fake news.


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For myself, it honestly did make me look ten years older. No joke. I am not anti - finasteride at all, I actually tell people to try it. I would CONSTANTLY have comments made by old friends and family like, "you look tired" and people at the gym I hadn't seen in a while wouldn't even recognize me and say things like, "you look so different". In all fairness, I did gain some weight while on it too, but usually when I gain weight i look a lot younger. Chubby cheeks fill out my wrinkles. Anyways, I still have deep bags under my eyes which I never had before.

Were you using Minoxidil too? That's the likely culprit of the bags and aging. I've had the same thing happen this year before I started fina, I've been using minoxidil for years.