Finasteride makes me super horny, like insane horny


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This isn’t a flex but you hear so much negative about finasteride about it causing sexual dysfunction, ED blah blah that I thought I should make this topic to tell the other side of the story.

My fiancée certainly seems to enjoy it lol, it’s nice and all but it is distracting because I don’t like work anymore when all I can think about is obliterating the pussy of girls. It’s funny I heard reaching 30s your sex drive will calm down which was depressing but I feel like back to teenage level horny. My erections are stronger as ever, in fact my dick feels bigger in girth than in my past but that’s probably due to gaining weight idk, throbbing hard sorry for the tmi. And no, no reduction in size..fuckk pfs fearmongering

I noticed this during first few months of starting finasteride but my thought didn’t go to finasteride immediately, I thought maybe I liked this girl particularly well or it was due to losing weight or something else improving in my body.

I really don’t know if it’s a nocebo effect hearing about this so much but yeah one thing I have noticed is kind of watery/less viscous semen on the days that I take finasteride but it goes back to same on the off day ( I take finasteride EOD or 3 days later ). Again I didn’t even notice this shitt until reading on this forum so I hope it’s just nocebo

One definitely bad thing with finasteride which really makes me want to stop it one day is I am sure it’s doing something to metabolism, yeah I have become a fat fuckk enjoying food but I definitely can’t seem to be able to lose weight as fast I could in past, maybe it’s just ageing and reaching 30s. The second is the brain fog, I don’t know if I can call it that, could be due to increased test/super horny I get from it, it makes me calm in a different way though where the stresses of the work don’t bother me anymore, can’t give a sh*t about them but at this age, I want financial success so it’s not something I want. On my off days I focus more on my work, come up with ideas and less on sex. Could simply be due to increased test, don’t know.

This high and low in sexual intensity isn’t enjoyable, like in my 20s I would get really horny for weeks discovering/getting together with a new girl and it naturally calmed down with her, me not bothered about other girls. A kind of sexual satiety. Maybe if i take it everyday it would get stable but meh, it feels excessive, I am not regaining hairs faster and I like having an off day(s) where my body can recover the metabolic damage it might be doing, also like the calmness on off days.

Ironic how the reason I didn’t want to use finasteride was fear of sexual sides and now I want to stop using it because of fear of metabolic sides and the increased libido lol. It also makes me feel like wonder how much fuckingg DHT my body must be producing for finasteride to make such a huge difference in my libido, no wonder I turned to nw6 from diffuse nw1 in a matter of 2 years. Ficking DHT


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You are not alone (increased libido),
if you have this effect by finasteride, then maybe you will have success with Dutasteride

I mean with success hair growth, not lower libido