finasteride long term effects?



What do you consider long term? Within about 5 years there's going to be some new treatment options out for us anyways. I too was concerned about long-term sides but if OSH101 and HM is as good as its cracked up to be than I can probably get off finasteride.


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??????? what do u mean no one knows what long term side effects are??? there aren't many safer drugs than finasteride in terms of long term sides!!!!!

1-finasteride's been around to block DHT for decades and the 1mg dosage that we use for hairloss is a reduction from the 5mg that men have been using for much longer for BPH. and the men who had sides all seem to have the usual sexual ones or gyno or whatever, which go away when they stopped taking finasteride.

2-There's people born without the enzyme 5aR II that finasteride blocks and that apart from having undeveloped sexual organs (something that men who take finasteride after they're 18 won't have) and a reduced prostate (which doesn't cause any harm and has been suggested to prevent prostate cancer) lived fine.

3-in order to be approved, finasteride had to undergo long term studies, that showed minimal percentages of people with sides, which weren't even that severe and would go away with discontinued use...

so please, don't give me this 'i don't know what finasteride will do to me in the long run' cause if you've done your research u know exaclty what it will do to u in the long run!!! NOTHING, apart from a slowing of hair loss and perhaps reduced sexual drive.


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sweet that gave me a bit of 23 i just didnt wanna be 35 and
and have birth defects.
just wanted to get some legit stuff without spending a crap load on propecia


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so please, don't give me this 'i don't know what finasteride will do to me in the long run' cause if you've done your research u know exaclty what it will do to u in the long run!!! NOTHING, apart from a slowing of hair loss and perhaps reduced sexual drive.[/quote]

But do you mean permanent reduced sexual drive?
Also, getting b**ch tits removed is not cheap and thats a possibility, albeit a very small one


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haunted-ballroom said:
But do you mean permanent reduced sexual drive?
Also, getting b**** tits removed is not cheap and thats a possibility, albeit a very small one
permanent while you're on finasteride if u get the sides and even gyno seems to go away with discontinued use... of course, there have been some incidents of sides staying a long time after stopping finasteride, but that really isn't common.

The Dangerman

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Also, am I right in saying that to get FDA approval, side effects both short and long term have to be in propotion to the condition it is treating?

For example, if it's a cancer or heart drug etc, then they are allowed to have some quite serious side effects because it's a matter of life and death. Although we're all here because we want to keep out hair, in the big scheme of things it's not that importent. So my reasoning is that side effects have to be minmal in order for it to be allowed, because it's treating a relatively minor ailment.

Also, if the trial showed 1.5% of people on the placebo reported side effects, could it be assumed that roughly speaking 1.5% of the general male population are sufferring from lowered libido etc at any one time? I'm just thinking out loud there....


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The Dangerman said:
Also, am I right in saying that to get FDA approval, side effects both short and long term have to be in propotion to the condition it is treating?

For example, if it's a cancer or heart drug etc, then they are allowed to have some quite serious side effects because it's a matter of life and death. Although we're all here because we want to keep out hair, in the big scheme of things it's not that importent. So my reasoning is that side effects have to be minmal in order for it to be allowed, because it's treating a relatively minor ailment.

Also, if the trial showed 1.5% of people on the placebo reported side effects, could it be assumed that roughly speaking 1.5% of the general male population are sufferring from lowered libido etc at any one time? I'm just thinking out loud there....

Do you mean like Vioxx? Guess a heart attack was an acceptable risk in return for less aches and pains. Seems like this drug permanently cured this for some folks.

Drugs companies could care less what happens to us, they will try to get away with anything, its all about profits. If you think otherwise, there is a bridge I have for sale.


johnnyseville said:
Do you mean like Vioxx? Guess a heart attack was an acceptable risk in return for less aches and pains. Seems like this drug permanently cured this for some folks.

Drugs companies could care less what happens to us, they will try to get away with anything, its all about profits. If you think otherwise, there is a bridge I have for sale.

What is wrong with profits? A capitalist society thrives on profits. There is an alternative........


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FairTaxNow said:
What is wrong with profits? A capitalist society thrives on profits. There is an alternative........

Nothing wrong with profits, but when you make them without concern for the safety of people, like the drug companies, then it is criminal.

Do you feel the same way about the tobacco industry?


It is criminal, if there's proof that actually happens. I'm sure there's probably CEO's of one or more drug companies that have those sentiments, perhaps even other members of the Board. Though in good faith I cannot say, with absoluteness, that ALL these drug companies don't care if people die and whatnot. How many drug manufacturers are there? The individual should also exercise some responsibility and make the educated decision of whether or not to take the medication, or if there are any alternatives.

I'm sorry but I usually here those things followed by shouts of government intervention. Like they are really seperate from the big drug companies? Perhaps if the market was freer when it came to healthcare we would have more entrepreneurs in this industry and offer more competition to the big boys and more choices. In the end it always comes down to the fact that government is not the answer to our problems, government is the problem.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the whole "Vioxx scare" completely blown out of proportion? Such as there being more aspirin related deaths per year than those related to Vioxx? Just fearmongering perpetuated by the mainstream media.

Yes, I feel the same way about the tobacco industry.


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FairTaxNow said:
It is criminal, if there's proof that actually happens. I'm sure there's probably CEO's of one or more drug companies that have those sentiments, perhaps even other members of the Board. Though in good faith I cannot say, with absoluteness, that ALL these drug companies don't care if people die and whatnot. How many drug manufacturers are there? The individual should also exercise some responsibility and make the educated decision of whether or not to take the medication, or if there are any alternatives.

We base on opinion of safety on the information the drug company offers us, we cannot be privy to any information they decide to withhold. The drug companies have only one obligation, make money for the shareholders, period. If they can get an unsafe drug passed without incurring financial responsibility they will.

Not sure what you mean concerning the tobacco industry, should I take it as you agree with their tactics in order to make a profit?


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johnnyseville said:
FairTaxNow said:
It is criminal, if there's proof that actually happens. I'm sure there's probably CEO's of one or more drug companies that have those sentiments, perhaps even other members of the Board. Though in good faith I cannot say, with absoluteness, that ALL these drug companies don't care if people die and whatnot. How many drug manufacturers are there? The individual should also exercise some responsibility and make the educated decision of whether or not to take the medication, or if there are any alternatives.

We base on opinion of safety on the information the drug company offers us, we cannot be privy to any information they decide to withhold. The drug companies have only one obligation, make money for the shareholders, period. If they can get an unsafe drug passed without incurring financial responsibility they will.

Not sure what you mean concerning the tobacco industry, should I take it as you agree with their tactics in order to make a profit?

Do you think merck or whoever are witholding information? For their sake, they better not be!

Or they might find their factorys burned down :boom:

A childish comment perhaps.....or is it :)


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Beats me, all I know is that I was on finasteride for only 4 months, and did not like what I felt. I am sure it does what it was intended to do, but at what cost? Hopefully now things will return to normal.


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I like the whole people born without 5ar2 story myself. The men in the Dominican republic they speak of don't all have boobs while some men on finasteride get them. What are these peoples estrogen and hormone levels? do these all compare with normal people? Did merk even bother to check?
The other thing that bothers me is who knows how much other male pattern baldness treatments in the future will cost. I mean im not living in the ghetto but I cant afford a 150 a month for the next rogain. I also know I wont be able to buy any hair multiplication nor would I want to until it happens for 10 years so I know it wont give me cancer. They can test all they want but when you mess with people no one knows what happens until time tells us.


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abcdefg said:
I like the whole people born without 5ar2 story myself. The men in the Dominican republic they speak of don't all have boobs while some men on finasteride get them. What are these peoples estrogen and hormone levels? do these all compare with normal people? Did merk even bother to check?

The hormonal profiles of the pseudohermaphrodites are strikingly similar to those of finasteride users.
