finasteride in the UK


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Ok ive got a few issues, ive been nosying around here for quite a while and decided that im gonna have to jump on this. Im unsure whether you can get a prescription from your GP...mine to be honest is awful and i very much doubt he will be forthcoming. Apart from buying online from inhouse etc does anyone know of any other options?

your replies are much appreciated!!


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You need a prescription, from any Doctor but this will most likely be your GP. Some big name pharmacies will provide you with both a prescription and the medications but expect to pay through the nose for this service. Ordering online does not require a prescription.


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I hope you mean United Kingdom. Anyway, you don't need a prescription. Other options for propecia merck is via boots hair retention scheme. Expect to fork out £90 for 3 months supply. This is the cheapest option. It actually costs around £30 for a month supply anyway. Alternative, is via Lloyds Pharmacy. This is expensive as this is a dual hair retention scheme and much more expensive. They make you buy propecia (merck) and minoxidil generic brand from them. I believe it will take you back £45 per month. This is the last time I checked anyway.

So if you are a fellow brit - these options are available. Please oh please, do not post rubbish responses if you have not research the exact facts.

Good luck. I would suggest you to book an appointment with Boots. It is only a quick questionaire with a pharmacist. You must fill in a questionaire and then they will sell you the propecia. They will also take photo's of your hair for reference. Just be aware that they are very over cautious. The pharmacists don't really have a clue about this drug. Some don't even know the exact facts, like some GP's.

Please stay away from generic brands for the time being. Give this a try and when you get confidence, you will be fine. The stuff rarely has side effects. It is very low on the radar. I have been on this for 8 years, coming to 9 years. I have never had side effects. Only one I could say is sensitivity to light for the first 2 weeks. After that, none.


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Personally, I'd buy from Dr Lee.

or Dr Ashcroft (Do a search on the forums)


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I hope you mean United Kingdom. Anyway, you don't need a prescription. Other options for propecia merck is via boots hair retention scheme. Expect to fork out £90 for 3 months supply. This is the cheapest option. It actually costs around £30 for a month supply anyway. Alternative, is via Lloyds Pharmacy. This is expensive as this is a dual hair retention scheme and much more expensive. They make you buy propecia (merck) and minoxidil generic brand from them. I believe it will take you back £45 per month. This is the last time I checked anyway.

So if you are a fellow brit - these options are available. Please oh please, do not post rubbish responses if you have not research the exact facts.

Good luck. I would suggest you to book an appointment with Boots. It is only a quick questionaire with a pharmacist. You must fill in a questionaire and then they will sell you the propecia. They will also take photo's of your hair for reference. Just be aware that they are very over cautious. The pharmacists don't really have a clue about this drug. Some don't even know the exact facts, like some GP's.

Please stay away from generic brands for the time being. Give this a try and when you get confidence, you will be fine. The stuff rarely has side effects. It is very low on the radar. I have been on this for 8 years, coming to 9 years. I have never had side effects. Only one I could say is sensitivity to light for the first 2 weeks. After that, none.

Why stay away from generic brands, since PCTs are currently commisioning generics at a rate of 60% vs branded at 40%? And the Boots and Lloyds schemes are complete rip offs: £30+ a month or £6 if you buy your own generics online. Its a no brainer.


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Just an FYI, but Boots don't prescribe for recession, frontal loss or mild diffuse. You need to have some scalp showing. That is unless they've changed their policy in the last year or so. The guy I had my consultation with had a clipboard and everything. Fancy.


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I think that my GP offered me it... we kinda brushed on the topic when I asked him about my mild male pattern baldness.

For now I am happy with the mostly natural regimen I'm putting together, but I do intend to fall back on Finasteride if other things don't work.

Maybe change GP or just ask to speak to another doctor (preferably a high-up doctor!) for your next appointment? They're all different :)


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Hmm sorry for the double post but I've been looking into these online pharmacies too now! Wow they are pretty great so long as I can trust what they are selling me!

So like... would most people say that Inhouse and United are pretty reliable?

But Dr Lee and Dr Ashcroft would be better but more expensive?

I might get a prescription, but I guess I'm weighing up my options. Plus, United Pharmacies is so cheap it's just unreal! lol


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I can recommend In House Pharmacy, they are very good.


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Britannia said:
I can recommend In House Pharmacy, they are very good.

So, what are United like? I only ask because they are significantly cheaper. However, I will go with Inhouse if I am more likely to get something of higher quality.


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Significantly cheaper than less than £9 a month? I dont think so.


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Is that including postage? I mean to be fair there is SO little in it. From UF it is £7.50 excluding postage.

It's all dirt cheap lol

I basically just want to trust where I get it from, I don't care about a few pennies here and there. So maybe I'll go for Inhouse then :)


Established Member
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Use Dr Ashcroft. UK doctor who will supply you with finasteride. Years supply about £100. I've been using for 2 years he's spot on.


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Hoppi said:
Britannia said:
I can recommend In House Pharmacy, they are very good.

So, what are United like? I only ask because they are significantly cheaper. However, I will go with Inhouse if I am more likely to get something of higher quality.

United Pharmacies are very good. They will also mark a low value on your order so it gets through customs with no charges.