Finasteride/Dutasteride Resistant Hairloss Groupchat


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This group is for those of us unlucky enought to not be able to acheive maintaince on these drugs. We discuss other AntiAndrogen focused treatments that may potentially help reverse follicle miniaturization.

Our chat is focused on solving the root cause of hairloss which is androgen receptor activation in the follicles, please look elsewhere if you are into experimenting with vitamis/laser therapy or anything else of the sort. Here's an invite link, please use the same username on discord as you have here:
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Beside Ru which is not effective much,all the other options are basicly become Trans
Maybe not, perhaps mesotherapy can be used once every 7-10 days to deliver AR blockers to the scalp to give the follicles a break. Perhaps other drugs like minoxidil or latanoprost can also be delivered alongside to provide a boost in follicular growth. And then there are other options such as microneedling and use of topical antiandrogens during the remainder of the days to minimize miniaturization during the in between phase.

Perhaps if none of these options work it may also be possible to use a conservative dose of an oral AR Blocker like bicalutamide etc to achieve some regrowth for a few months before cycling off and trying to maintain for the other months.

Anyhow as non ideal as these options are if they aren't explored then the only other possibility is to gradually miniaturize and lose density while on finasteride until you are visibly balding anyways which to me is the worst of both worlds, lower androgenic activity leading to worse quality of life AND visibly balding leading to a worse quality of life

We're stuck between a rock and a hard place but I'm not ready to give up yet.


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Maybe not, perhaps mesotherapy can be used once every 7-10 days to deliver AR blockers to the scalp to give the follicles a break. Perhaps other drugs like minoxidil or latanoprost can also be delivered alongside to provide a boost in follicular growth. And then there are other options such as microneedling and use of topical antiandrogens during the remainder of the days to minimize miniaturization during the in between phase.

Perhaps if none of these options work it may also be possible to use a conservative dose of an oral AR Blocker like bicalutamide etc to achieve some regrowth for a few months before cycling off and trying to maintain for the other months.

Anyhow as non ideal as these options are if they aren't explored then the only other possibility is to gradually miniaturize and lose density while on finasteride until you are visibly balding anyways which to me is the worst of both worlds, lower androgenic activity leading to worse quality of life AND visibly balding leading to a worse quality of life

We're stuck between a rock and a hard place but I'm not ready to give up yet.
I think that you are right. Your thoughts are a better way forward but if people think that once things that affect AR are tried then they are permanent then I don't know where to go from there in terms of using current science to help people. I think looking at body hair/beard/scalp hair as one thing is closer to the murcine modeling and leaves us to some extent puzzling over things like manes, antlers and why whales largely lack body hair like we do. Someone articulated this really well earlier with respect to Kurt Russell and others with I would say excellent male hair that looks good long while also having excellent beards. We know they exist and they are nowhere near androgynous but what can we extract from this to help others? How many genes are in play? What happens if a person has three, four, five, six, versus none? T/DHT ratio? How does that matter? Is all body hair, beard hair and scalp hair after puberty more or less in stasis equilibrium between females and males? Meaning if we change one thing, then we alter another. Many transgender females lose most or all beard growth like Bridge did but most of us need some beard removal. What about minoxidil beards? Do they alter any hair balances? Why is side burn hair a transition area instead of just being beard hair.

The main benefit of living this on both ends is seeing all of the different components holistically which is hard to do if one never experienced the other. My interest is not to establish that estrogen is all that works. We know that but could altering things a tiny bit cause a cascade of improvements? Ultimately using whales might be more interesting than murcine animals but that's about the only other partially naked mammal really so other animals lack three different types/areas of different hair types in terms of texture and being terminal/vellus vel non.

For people not in fear of permanent AR disruption, I find what you are mentioning to be the best hope and there seems to be a divergence in XY's going off HRT in terms of whether dutasteride maintains well or whether hair implodes right away like it seems to when people stop microneedling for two months. A lot of these things that could be tried in terms of cycling are fascinating in terms of how they affect muscle growth and strength. I found spironolactone plus low dose estrogen to be far, far more stereotypically feminizing that even ultra high dose estradiol. I couldn't mow the lawn or get it started or open bottles of soda that had the cap on too tight and desisting from spironolactone resolved all but the normal variation expected from estrogenic environments meaning yes, diminution in strength but chicks have muscles too and some of them are far stronger even pound for pound than some XY's.
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Omg do you really think ppl have time to read those articles comments. For the love of god its 2021! Keep it short and simple you are on the internet , not newspaper!
I will keep this point in mind.

It's been part of my writing since I first had PTSD from trauma. I used to edit in the judge's place and it was short sentences and perfect grammar. When my X took the children and left without telling me, I had a nervous break-down on top of the one that induced her to leave me. It's not on purpose and I always restrict myself to legal style in terms of not extending beyond what is commonly accepted.

If any of you lost your Eternal Venus, you would know how desperate I am because there's nobody out there like her. I tried to grow my hair back and I drove her even farther away but everyone on here agrees that a full head of hair changes things so here's hoping since it would be far better than going into jail.


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Honestly your only hope is kintor releasing their products, I give them the highest chance to succeed since their goal is not a cure but treatment and it's a smart approach with side effects being the main concern.

But this stuff is, as usual, 5 years away at the very least.


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I'm still in the process of figuring things out, but after experiencing finasteride/dutasteride (even full blown HRT resistant) hair loss and experimenting with dietary changes I've reached the conclusion that certain diets can result in androgenic symptoms. A diet high in blood sugar spiking foods (sugar, breads, carbs etc.) increases DHT levels, which explains the androgenic symptoms I've experienced, while having an undetectable testosterone level. Upon fasting for around 36 hours, the androgenic effects start to wane, sebum production decreases, facial pores shink, libido disappears and the hair feels stronger at the root. There seems to be a similar androgenic effect when eating saturated fats, but there's a debate on whether or not saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids increase or decrease alpha 5 reductase and DHT.
Has anyone noticed anything similar, maybe I'm just super sensitive to DHT. I did notice a slight improvement with finasteide before HRT, but the side effect of depression was too much to bare so I quit.


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I will keep this point in mind.

It's been part of my writing since I first had PTSD from trauma. I used to edit in the judge's place and it was short sentences and perfect grammar. When my X took the children and left without telling me, I had a nervous break-down on top of the one that induced her to leave me. It's not on purpose and I always restrict myself to legal style in terms of not extending beyond what is commonly accepted.

If any of you lost your Eternal Venus, you would know how desperate I am because there's nobody out there like her. I tried to grow my hair back and I drove her even farther away but everyone on here agrees that a full head of hair changes things so here's hoping since it would be far better than going into jail.
Keep talking....


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Nope , but there is GB in discord that just orderd the ARV which the same …
(AR degrader)

im jumping on this train in the next GB
i was thinking off the antagonist not the degrader. how do people know this protac from the discord has similar favorable properties (in that it does not go systemic)? thats a pretty big concern isnt it?


Established Member
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This group is for those of us unlucky enought to not be able to acheive maintaince on these drugs. We discuss other AntiAndrogen focused treatments that may potentially help reverse follicle miniaturization.

Our chat is focused on solving the root cause of hairloss which is androgen receptor activation in the follicles, please look elsewhere if you are into experimenting with vitamis/laser therapy or anything else of the sort. Here's an invite link, please use the same username on discord as you have here:
Great idea. I've tried to do join the discord but it says link expired, is there a new invite link? Thanks.

Edit. I'm in, no worries


Established Member
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This group is for those of us unlucky enought to not be able to acheive maintaince on these drugs. We discuss other AntiAndrogen focused treatments that may potentially help reverse follicle miniaturization.

Our chat is focused on solving the root cause of hairloss which is androgen receptor activation in the follicles, please look elsewhere if you are into experimenting with vitamis/laser therapy or anything else of the sort. Here's an invite link, please use the same username on discord as you have here:
Interested, do you have an updated invite link? The original one you posted has expired.