Finasteride Dose Dependent Efficiency


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The big difference with micro dosing is the fact that you ween into the inhibition of 5AR versus, essentially, shocking your body with it all of a sudden. It's my personal belief that this is something that increases the chances of sides, especially right off the bat. I don't think if your body rejects it that it will matter after so long, but I think it makes perfect sense that gradually coming into the hormonal change is better than surprising your body with it.
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That Guy

My Regimen
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My understanding of Finasteride, based on all the stuff I've read is that because of its nearly flat-dose response and how long it takes for 5ar to build up to baseline is that taking a small amount, even every other day, should be effective. It's sold at 1mg because that's what they trialed it at. Daily because you'll run out of it sooner and have to buy more.

As for side effects probability, I don't think there's any science truly confirming it but here's the broscience:

As seen in other tests of finasteride, in animals etc. 5AR is not the only chemical inhibited by taking the drug; tests in rats showed that it can have far reaching effects on the nervous system. It seems that most assume that lowered DHT or 5AR is the cause of side effects from finasteride, but while the drug may have similar reductive effects on 5ar and thus DHT, its reduction of other chemicals may be dose-dependent. Anecdotal claims often suggest that lower doses reduce side effects probabilities while still being effective. However, it could all just be placebo effect.


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I'm going to give this a go starting tomorrow. I have a sensitive scale on the way that will be able to handle the tiny increments necessary. Plus, I haven't taken finasteride at all before, so I should have optimal sensitive starting on a blank slate. I'll be happy to post my progress. Drives me crazy when people are like, "I'll track my progress here!" and then they fall off the face of the Earth.


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Anecdotal, but I did low dose. First thing I did 1mg ED for a week and EoD for 2 more. I then quit because I was never getting spontaneous erections anymore, and low semen volume. A week after I quit my hairfall decreased drastically (I'm NW2 but shedding many thin hairs on the top of my head). It slowly went back up to normal over the next 4 months.

So I tried again on a lower dose. I did 0.05mg ED for about 4 weeks, and when I didn't notice reduced shedding yet I went up to 0.1mg. My shedding stopped just as it did the first time, and I thought the sexual sides weren't there. So I took it a bit longer but around the 2nd month this tiny invisible little lump that I've had under my right nipple since puberty started burning and it felt like it was getting bigger so I quit again. After I quit I did feel my libido spike a little so in hindsight I think it did have some effect, but it was barely noticable at the time. It was about 4 months ago so now I'm shedding more hair again.

For me it appeared as though 0.1mg was just as effective in reducing shedding as 1mg was. But I am in the early stages so my hair loss is still mild.