Finasteride Debilitating Side Effects...


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Why insult others

Take my word..It's would begin anyone to avoid this drug at all costs..I have pfs now full blown and it's catastrophic to a healthy man..I didn't get the sexual sides but physical symptoms and mental...It's debilitating...


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Take my word..It's would begin anyone to avoid this drug at all costs..I have pfs now full blown and it's catastrophic to a healthy man..I didn't get the sexual sides but physical symptoms and mental...It's debilitating...

I also have full blown pfs. absolutely debilitating.

This drug fucked me up.


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Take my word..It's would begin anyone to avoid this drug at all costs..I have pfs now full blown and it's catastrophic to a healthy man..I didn't get the sexual sides but physical symptoms and mental...It's debilitating...

I also have full blown pfs. absolutely debilitating.

This drug fucked me up.

I know what you mean, I took this more than 3 years. I stopped it (not because side effects).
It hasn't any positive effect and by stopping no shedding, it was neutral for me.
But as I stated before, you should wait (no stress)


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I know what you mean, I took this more than 3 years. I stopped it (not because side effects).
It hasn't any positive effect and by stopping no shedding, it was neutral for me.
But as I stated before, you should wait (no stress)

That's because effects of dht are no longer present in the body..My weight went from 160 to 205lbs..My energy went from running 5 miles a day on treadmill to not wanting to even mow the yard..Mentally? Crippling depression and anxiety..Thoughts of wanting to harm yourself daily..Would never have believed it could happen to me.Still can't believe..It's a real condition..It's sad. I am hoping clomid will help me some information have tried the all natural eoute..Even fasting..The shock of dht returning so quickly after stopping has catastrophic effects on some man that is not fully understood..What I can tell it does is voids effects of dht on your system..a such as hair loss, gaining fluid and fat all around waist and hips..chest area also..Most men have low test and high estrogen and appears very difficult to get your hormone profile to swing back to normal..


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I was advised by a doctor to take high dose zinc supplements to lower estrogen, high dose Omega 3 fish oil and high dose vitamin D.

He said Finasteride can cause a severe imbalance of hormones as well as a vitamin D defiency.

Giving this a trial. If no improvement he is recommending testosterone replacement therapy.

This drug can mess up your entire hormonal system.


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That's because effects of dht are no longer present in the body..My weight went from 160 to 205lbs..My energy went from running 5 miles a day on treadmill to not wanting to even mow the yard..Mentally? Crippling depression and anxiety..Thoughts of wanting to harm yourself daily..Would never have believed it could happen to me.Still can't believe..It's a real condition..It's sad. I am hoping clomid will help me some information have tried the all natural eoute..Even fasting..The shock of dht returning so quickly after stopping has catastrophic effects on some man that is not fully understood..What I can tell it does is voids effects of dht on your system..a such as hair loss, gaining fluid and fat all around waist and hips..chest area also..Most men have low test and high estrogen and appears very difficult to get your hormone profile to swing back to normal..

Exact same symptoms man.

How long did you take the drug for? I took it for 4 weeks.

I think it is possible as many men have recovered. You just need to figure out how to keep testosterone high and estrogen low, and keep free T from converting to estrogen. We need T to convert back to DHT. That seems to be the problem.

Have you tried Sorghum? It's a very androgenic grain that stimulates 5 alpha reductase to start producing again and increase DHT. Have you tried Creatine? It can raise DHT levels up to 56 percent after 7 days. It will probably destroy your hair but it might make you feel better.

ahmed wolf

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Exact same symptoms man.

How long did you take the drug for? I took it for 4 weeks.

I think it is possible as many men have recovered. You just need to figure out how to keep testosterone high and estrogen low, and keep free T from converting to estrogen. We need T to convert back to DHT. That seems to be the problem.

Have you tried Sorghum? It's a very androgenic grain that stimulates 5 alpha reductase to start producing again and increase DHT. Have you tried Creatine? It can raise DHT levels up to 56 percent after 7 days. It will probably destroy your hair but it might make you feel better.
u said u have no sexual side effects but low dht? how is that even possible?


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Thanks for the replys..I would try clomid before trt..That has not been good for many..Note about the hair..I now have what I have dubbed "straw hair" or old lady haid..Completely alien like from my normal hair before finastetide...My hair was thick, dark and straight..Now it's very thin, wavy and lighter..The density has dropped and texture is like dry broom straw..Also dry scalp and dandruff is terrible since getting pfs..My body? Don't even want to look in the mirror I had abs was so lean and hair was so thick before all this...

ahmed wolf

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Thanks for the replys..I would try clomid before trt..That has not been good for many..Note about the hair..I now have what I have dubbed "straw hair" or old lady haid..Completely alien like from my normal hair before finastetide...My hair was thick, dark and straight..Now it's very thin, wavy and lighter..The density has dropped and texture is like dry broom straw..Also dry scalp and dandruff is terrible since getting pfs..My body? Don't even want to look in the mirror I had abs was so lean and hair was so thick before all this...
how long did u take the drug for?


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  1. Noticed hair loss about 2 months ago, panicked and freaked out. Went to to a hair transplant specialist in my city. Assessed my head and said I need to go on Propecia to stabilize the loss and that I would have good success. Told me to take it for a year and to reassess a year later in regards to a transplant.

    I of course had heard of the horror stories regarding Propecia. But my hair is important to me and I wanted to save it at all costs. The surgeon assured me side effects were rare and to just stop taking it if I had any.

    I took it for a month. Noticed side effects about the 4th week in. Severe fatigue and lethargy, ED, as well as confusion brain fog and memory issues. It scared the sh*t out of me.

    I stopped the drug and about a week later the symptoms got worse. I had a complete endocrine system crash about 2 weeks off the drug.

    I am suffering from extreme anxiety, panic attacks, bone crippling depression,memory loss, confusion, severe fatigue, complete erectile dysfunction. A complete cognitive shift.

    I had to go to ER due to the panic attacks and brain fog.

    I am praying these symptoms improvewith time and that I didn't permanently f*** myself over.

    This drug completely fucked me up, I feel like a complete vegetable. I can barely function. I had blood work done and had severely elevated liver enzymes as well as low Testosterone. I am waiting to see an Endocrinologist to do further hormone testing.

    I honestly could give 2 fucks about my hair if I have permanently damaged myself.

    This drug can seriously mess you up.

    Has anybody had a similar experience and recovered???

Hi Mike,

sounds pretty much like the exact experience I had. Except i kept at it for 7 years. I quit almost 12 years ago, I got way better after I quit, but I am not nearly as sharp and my memory is not nearly as good, but things did improve. I have definite regrets, but life moves on and Im still happy.

Seeing as you were on it for only a month, I can assure you things will stabilize, try not to worry about it for the next few weeks. you will rebound to your baseline. Maybe take zinc picolinate for a few weeks (25mgs) - i use now brand. Afterwards, I would drop the vitamins, and assess how you are.

ahmed wolf

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Hi Mike,

sounds pretty much like the exact experience I had. Except i kept at it for 7 years. I quit almost 12 years ago, I got way better after I quit, but I am not nearly as sharp and my memory is not nearly as good, but things did improve. I have definite regrets, but life moves on and Im still happy.

Seeing as you were on it for only a month, I can assure you things will stabilize, try not to worry about it for the next few weeks. you will rebound to your baseline. Maybe take zinc picolinate for a few weeks (25mgs) - i use now brand. Afterwards, I would drop the vitamins, and assess how you are.
gr8 motivation man
u took the drug for 7 years thats a long tine on it
what about the sexual sides did u recoverd ?

ahmed wolf

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Hi Mike,

sounds pretty much like the exact experience I had. Except i kept at it for 7 years. I quit almost 12 years ago, I got way better after I quit, but I am not nearly as sharp and my memory is not nearly as good, but things did improve. I have definite regrets, but life moves on and Im still happy.

Seeing as you were on it for only a month, I can assure you things will stabilize, try not to worry about it for the next few weeks. you will rebound to your baseline. Maybe take zinc picolinate for a few weeks (25mgs) - i use now brand. Afterwards, I would drop the vitamins, and assess how you are.
I took it for 3 days and got sides most ppl here wont believe that but i did probably since day 2 but i was fool to take it for the third day and stupid to even take it in the first place
now its been 3 and half weeks still my eractins are soft and hard to maintain i am afraid it damged me for good


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how long did u take the drug for?
I originally took generic Proscar cut for 10weeks..Had horrible results and hair actually got way worse fast..Didn't know what was wrong and didn't know what pfs even was at that time..So like an idiot I listened to the dermatology who said to take brand name propecia..I will tell you the generic is different I recovered from that after a few months and had a massive hair shed or lost in addition to worsning the drug did to start with..However something about the 1mg brand name is much more effective and after stopping instead of going back this time I got worse and crashed..It has never returned to normal and that was a year and a half back..I only took propecia for a few months..About twice as long as I took the generic for..Anyone I would beg you don't take 1 on these pills..Not a day goes by I don't wish it was 2013 again and b I could have my old life back..The regret never ends and so far the condition only continues to worsen...


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gr8 motivation man
u took the drug for 7 years thats a long tine on it
what about the sexual sides did u recoverd ?

Well, I cant say I totally regret it, i did have good hair. I was able to get hard while on it, it was just a bit soft, my sex drive was lower and I think my penis had shrunk. That aside, I was pretty low on testosterone when I came off it. My muscle mass recovered, but my sex drive didnt fully UNTIL..... I discovered zinc picolinate - I took 50mgs of now brand daily - I found it made a huge difference in sex drive and erections (harder and bigger). From what I hear it's supposed to increase your testosterone. Other types of zinc didnt have the same effect. I would say it takes about a week to notice. Im not exaggerating, I was horny all the time, and could probably have gone 3 times/day. Ive cut back since, but still take it 2-3 times/week and it still helps.

I would also suggest take copper with - 2mgs with it (swanson seems to be the best for me). Other vitamins I took are 5000 ius of vitamin d.

I can post the amazon links of the ones i take if you like.

ahmed wolf

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I originally took generic Proscar cut for 10weeks..Had horrible results and hair actually got way worse fast..Didn't know what was wrong and didn't know what pfs even was at that time..So like an idiot I listened to the dermatology who said to take brand name propecia..I will tell you the generic is different I recovered from that after a few months and had a massive hair shed or lost in addition to worsning the drug did to start with..However something about the 1mg brand name is much more effective and after stopping instead of going back this time I got worse and crashed..It has never returned to normal and that was a year and a half back..I only took propecia for a few months..About twice as long as I took the generic for..Anyone I would beg you don't take 1 on these pills..Not a day goes by I don't wish it was 2013 again and b I could have my old life back..The regret never ends and so far the condition only continues to worsen...
i feel u man do a full hormon tests and c whats causing ur sides

ahmed wolf

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Well, I cant say I totally regret it, i did have good hair. I was able to get hard while on it, it was just a bit soft, my sex drive was lower and I think my penis had shrunk. That aside, I was pretty low on testosterone when I came off it. My muscle mass recovered, but my sex drive didnt fully UNTIL..... I discovered zinc picolinate - I took 50mgs of now brand daily - I found it made a huge difference in sex drive and erections (harder and bigger). From what I hear it's supposed to increase your testosterone. Other types of zinc didnt have the same effect. I would say it takes about a week to notice. Im not exaggerating, I was horny all the time, and could probably have gone 3 times/day. Ive cut back since, but still take it 2-3 times/week and it still helps.

I would also suggest take copper with - 2mgs with it (swanson seems to be the best for me). Other vitamins I took are 5000 ius of vitamin d.

I can post the amazon links of the ones i take if you like.
thanx for the replay
good that u recoverd i hope i recover 2 i only took it for 3 days will it take 3 months to recover
all my hormone came back good after 2 weeks of my last pill i am going to test them again next Saturday to c if there is any changes
i heard a stone in the kidney can cuz numbness in the pines


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I am having to use labs direct cause my Dr can't do hormone testing and endo won't see me..Even with refferel..They don't recognize pfs..Also I am taking zinc, vitamin d3,multi vitamin, dim, calcium d glumate and ashwaganda...I have tried creatine and my libido is fine..It is back to normal..What doesn't return to normal is the body composition changes this drug causes..You swell up like with fluid..It's like Lugging around a ton of water weight that is not a normal part of your body..It is very frustrating..Clomid is one thing I have not tried but gonna take something strong to dent this is feel..I do notice an increase in libido since taking the same kind of zinc you mentioned..Also only thing I have found that helps mental sides is a pain med helps with anxiety..