Finasteride Coming To The 2 Month Marker


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Been on finasteride for about 2 Months now, Im not observing any noticeable side effects. I do have a really high libido.. Like way higher than normal.. Im horny all the time.. Strange how I thought Id lose my Libido and thats what stopped me from starting sooner....I do have a question , Im thinking of upping my dose When would 0.25 mgs Every other day lose affectiveness?
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My Regimen
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Mostly everybody has a surge in libido when they start this treatment because of the surge in testosterone that is trying to compensate for the lack of DHT. Don't hurry in upping your dosage, in the original Merk tests it was shown that everything past 0.1 has the same effectiveness as 1mg doses. Wait some more and see how your body reacts after the surge of testosterone is gone and hope it does not transform to much of that test in estrogen, cos that's when most of the sides come.. Good luck and track your progress with pictures, if it works like this don't switch it, not worth the risks...


This originates from the actual studies done by Merk when he manufactured the drug, so i really don't get it why would anybody take more than 0.2mg per day or at 2 days considering that it takes kind of 3 days to get back the natural levels of DHT you had. It's all a marketing scheme and i really can't believe how many stupid people exist on the planet who just trust doctors just because they have a diploma, even now, when a lot of doctors come and say that it's not necessary to take 1mg per day, a lot of them calling it unnecessary overdose...

And keep in mind that the less you take, the harder the body/tissues get saturated by it and the longer it lasts until it loses it's effectiveness. Now you have to take in consideration how everybody reacts to it, there are a lot of factors that could influence that and i saw great results on people who used 0.25 every other day, and without sides, and i saw people who lost ground even in 1mg daily, with a lot of sides also. So as i said, if it's working and without sides, read the curve and don't change it, homeostasis is a very hard thing to achieve while using drugs, and especially to keep it that way, don't force your luck.
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