Finasteride better before worse timeline...?


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What is the longest "my hair got worse until finally in month x, bam finasteride finally started working" you've ever heard of...I am on the drug for over a year now 6 months 1 mg and 6 months 1.25 mg and situation has been on a steady decline :( still holding out hope for a miracle though...for some reason though I have just got this gut feeling that I'd have been better off not doing anything. My hair and scalp now always itches and people have finally started noticing despite treatment.


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I myself have been on finasteride 1mg Everyday and have not seen much of a change in the amount of hair lost and regrowth. People it sometimes takes over a year to see noticeable changes in your hair. Personally, I can't say I'm too happy with the results of finasteride for my hair, I was hoping for maintenance and even some regrowth since my hairloss started only 2 years ago, but I am still losing my hairline while on the drug. Might as well keep taking the drug because there is literally nothing else better, unless you switch to dutasteride.


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I myself have been on finasteride 1mg Everyday and have not seen much of a change in the amount of hair lost and regrowth. People it sometimes takes over a year to see noticeable changes in your hair. Personally, I can't say I'm too happy with the results of finasteride for my hair, I was hoping for maintenance and even some regrowth since my hairloss started only 2 years ago, but I am still losing my hairline while on the drug. Might as well keep taking the drug because there is literally nothing else better, unless you switch to dutasteride.

Ya sounds like we are in the same boat. Started finasteride with what now I clearly recognize was very minor recession. But like you I have watched my hairline push back and thin out on the rest of the top as well. Would have been very satisfied if I just maintained because I was not noticeable to others when I started but am now though...


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I think me and 0-100 started around the same, I'm also not really seeing anything from either finasteride/minoxidil, I'm still going to wait a full year.


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Have any of you out there either experienced or know of a situation where someone had a miraculous turn around after a year on finasteride had already passed cuz that is where I am at. I have heard that full results sometimes are seen at 18 months or 2 years but not that 18 months or 2 years is when initial results begin...thoughts...?


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Have any of you out there either experienced or know of a situation where someone had a miraculous turn around after a year on finasteride had already passed cuz that is where I am at. I have heard that full results sometimes are seen at 18 months or 2 years but not that 18 months or 2 years is when initial results begin...thoughts...?

I have actually read some stories of people who didn't see regrowth until 18 months, and some people don't get noticeable results until 2 years. The thing is, the drug is working, it is just sometimes it isn't enough for people with more aggressive hairloss.I mean, it will most def slow down the process for us, but it won't keep us above baseline for years.


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My Regimen
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Check out my story, I didn't see results until over a year on finasteride, might of been other factors though that contributed to the results but who knows. Don't give up at the least it is slowing down the process. Goodluck