finasteride and time?



Hey Guys long time no post, so I have been on finasteride now for 1 year and 3 months and my hair is at its worst so far. I have lost a lot of density I would say 25 to 35 % this last year.
my biggest problem seems to be that my hair is getting thinner so I am not to sure if I should stay on finasteride or not. I am also still thinking of adding minoxidil, so my question is did anyone else experience positive results on finasteride after the one year mark or should I call it quits?
My shedding is still really bad after this amount of time is that normal?


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Hey mate -
cannot give you any answers here - just letting you know that I'm in the same situation as yourself - only I'm close to one year and 5 months. Strangely enough I have had a massive shed around the one year and 3 months mark but it now seems like it's slowing down. Also I added Proxiphen on hairline after one year and one month - and the shedding could have been caused by the proxiphen...

If I were you I would add the minoxidil if you feel you need the regrowth - if maintaining is still your goal if would look at things like spironolactone, fluridil, proxiphen or something like that...


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jkriley said:
my biggest problem seems to be that my hair is getting thinner so I am not to sure if I should stay on finasteride or not.

Isn't that like an oxymoron??


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jkriley said:
what makes you say that?

I'd keep on it for awhile longer. What kind of balding do you have? Maybe you dont have male pattern baldness? I'd check with a derm if I were you. You should at least be maintaining pretty well with finasteride.


i am diffuse thinner wich really sucks as i am thinning all over.


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wangho75 said:
You should at least be maintaining pretty well with finasteride.

If you're part of the 83% who finasteride works for that is..... There are no guarantees here.


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jkriley said:
i am diffuse thinner wich really sucks as i am thinning all over.

diffuse, meaning no difference in density all over the head including sides and back?

If that's the case, you need to see a good dermatologist.